Summer Term 2 2024
Knowledge Organisers
FLE Knowledge Organiser DT 5 6 global food
download_for_offlineFLE Knowledge Organiser DT 5 6 global food
- French KO Lynher summer 2 food 2024 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFrench KO Lynher summer 2 food 2024
- KO rounders lynher summer 24 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO rounders lynher summer 24
- KO science lynher evolution and inheritance summer 24 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO science lynher evolution and inheritance summer 24
- ko summer 2 lynher music 2024 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineko summer 2 lynher music 2024
- ko summer 2 lynher geography 2024 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineko summer 2 lynher geography 2024
- ko summer 2 RE 2024 lynher download_for_offline
download_for_offlineko summer 2 RE 2024 lynher
- lynher pshe download_for_offline
download_for_offlinelynher pshe
Photobooks are added after each half term.
Weekly Updates
Friday 12th July
We have had a busy week. We learnt about fossils in science and how they can tell us about things from millions of years ago. We then researched Mary Anning and found out about her amazing discoveries. In PE we finished our rounders unit with a match although we may try and get a couple more in next week if the weather is kind. Year 5 have worked hard on a maths unit based on converting units of measurement for example, mm, cm, m, km and time in minutes, hours, days and weeks. Year 6 had great fun at Trethorne yesterday. It was practically empty so they were able to go on everything. Year 6 also showed lots of confidence on their transition day at TCC - getting on the bus, meeting their forms and new teachers.
Please read every day.
If you can, get behind England and watch the football!
Friday 28th June
Year 5 have been working hard on decimals this week - multiplying and dividing them. In PE we focussed on deep fielding in rounders and used a tennis racquet to hit the ball to help them to practise. In science we looked at Charles Darwin and his links to the theory of evolution. We finished our Skellig unit and are now enjoying reading this as our class read. We have also been working on our dictionary skills. In DT we had a wonderful time looking at Mexican food and then making quesadillas with guacamole and salsa. We would love to hear if you have made these at home.
Reading due Monday and Tuesday
Spellings due Tuesday
No maths homework
Friday 21st June
In PE we were focussed on fielding and in particular the triangle of bowler, backstop and first base. We had to use our throwing and catching skills to get people out. In English we have been using descriptive and figurative language to describe a setting. We had fun describing a ruined abbey. In DT this week we looked at how to safely cook and store rice and we cooked egg-fried rice. We enjoyed dressing up in sports mufti yesterday and loved our Euro-related lunch. The Greek salad was amazing.
Please can the form for Mount Batten be returned by Wednesday 26th June.
Reading due in every day - to be signed by an adult
Spellings due Tuesday
Maths - 20 minutes TTRockstars or booklet due Thursday
Mount Batten Presentation
Please see the Mount Batten presentation from the meeting. Letters will have gone out if you were unable to attend.
Friday 14th June 2024
We really enjoyed an online lesson with Ash Bond author of Peregrinne Quinn and the Cosmic Realm. If you would like to buy a signed copy of the book they can be purchased from H & H Spalding Books via the following order link. A single copy is £12.99 inclusive of postage and packaging.
In PE we were trying to be accurate with our tennis shots and hit it for our partner to catch it. We also worked on our hand eye coordination in a paired game. Year 6 have been completing a maths project based on a theme park. In English we have been working on advertising a house from a book called Skellig. We have been trying to include things like hyperbole and ‘estate agent speak’. In French we have been learning about unhealthy food and how to say them. In DT we revised the Eatwell Plate and looked at how foods across the world have a similar balance because as humans we need a balanced diet.
Reading due in every day - to be signed by an adult
Spellings due Tuesday
Maths - 20 minutes TTRockstars or booklet due Friday
Friday 7th June 2024
In English we started a new topic of the book Skellig. We read the first chapter and we highlighted the evidence we could use to infer what a character was thinking or feeling. In PE our new topic is rounders. Yesterday we practised batting and bowling. In maths the year 5s started a new topic of decimals and we were working out how we could make one. In science we looked at variation in offspring. We looked at pictures of humans, dogs and plants and saw what was different between them even though they were the same species.
Reading due in every day - to be signed by an adult
Spellings due Tuesday
Maths - 20 minutes TTRockstars or booklet due Friday
Summer Term 1 2024
Knowledge Organisers
FLE Knowledge Organiser art 5 6 architecture
download_for_offlineFLE Knowledge Organiser art 5 6 architecture
- FLE Knowledge Organiser science 5 6 human changes download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFLE Knowledge Organiser science 5 6 human changes
- KO athletics lynher summer 24 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO athletics lynher summer 24
- KO computing 3d design lynher summer 24 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO computing 3d design lynher summer 24
- KO french olympics lynher summer 24 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO french olympics lynher summer 24
- ko summer 1 lynher history 2024 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineko summer 1 lynher history 2024
- ko summer 1 lynher music 2024 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineko summer 1 lynher music 2024
- ko summer 1 lynher pshe 2024 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineko summer 1 lynher pshe 2024
- ko summer 1 RE 2024 lynher download_for_offline
download_for_offlineko summer 1 RE 2024 lynher
Art photobook houses sum 2024
download_for_offlineArt photobook houses sum 2024
- computing sum 1 3d lynher 2024 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinecomputing sum 1 3d lynher 2024
- French sum 1 2024 olympics download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFrench sum 1 2024 olympics
- lynher history summer 1 2024 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinelynher history summer 1 2024
- music lynher summer 1 2024 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinemusic lynher summer 1 2024
- PE sum 1 2024 athletics download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePE sum 1 2024 athletics
- PSHE lynher summer 1 2024 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePSHE lynher summer 1 2024
- RE photobook summer 1 2024 Lynher download_for_offline
download_for_offlineRE photobook summer 1 2024 Lynher
- Science Photobook Sum 1 Lynher 2024 human life cycle download_for_offline
download_for_offlineScience Photobook Sum 1 Lynher 2024 human life cycle
Weekly Updates
Friday 17th May 2024
We are so proud of the way year 6 approached their SATs. Calm, confident and just got on with it. Year 5 also had good fun while they were on - making up revolting menus (a lot of eyeballs were involved) as well as designing a hotel.
We also spent a morning making and painting houses as part of our art project. This was a design as you go activity and it was really good to see children persevere or change ideas as they went along to make it work.
In science we looked at gestation periods in mammals and saw that although not true for all there is a link between the size of the mammal and it's gestation length. it is often the bigger the mammal, the longer the gestation period.
We also had fun practising our races for sports day and have introduced a new hurdles element to the obstacle course for key stage 2.
Reading everyday to be signed by an adult
Do a fair weather dance to bring a dry day for sports day next Friday
Friday 10th May 2024
For English we have been looking at an alternative version of Goldilocks and we role played a police interview. In PE we were doing dodgeball on the field – focussing on accuracy in throwing and catching. For maths we have been looking at coordinates and translation and making sure we move things in the correct direction. In French we did a crossword to help us learn the vocabulary of the Olympic sports.
Reading records to be brought in everyday signed to show you have read
Maths homework - TT Rockstars or book for Thursday
No spelling homework
Friday 26th April 2024
In art we have been learning about learning to keep our pen on the paper while we draw an object. In maths we have been doing angles with protractors and estimating the angles. For PE we were sprinting- we had to make sure our reaction time was quick and that we ran in a straight line looking where we were going. In history we learnt about Winston Churchill and Neville Chamberlain and their thoughts during World War Two. On Monday we did a live lesson for Earth Day about endangered animals. We had a visit from Ottilie Robinson-Shaw who is a freestyle kayaker. She told us about the tricks and skills she does.
Reading to be signed and brought in every day
Spelling due Tuesday
Maths TT Rockstars due Thursday
Friday 19th April 2024
Welcome to the summer term.
We have made use of the dry weather and begun our athletics unit. We started with a running focus and thought about pace and stamina and how to use this in long distance running. In history we learnt about the beginning of the second world war and how Hitler was involved. In music we learnt the origins of a Scottish lullaby and found out about a lullaby from 2000BC which said that if the child didn’t stop crying the devil would eat them! For computing we started looking at how you can make 3D models digitally. We looked at objects from different perspectives and learnt the basics of putting them in to the program. In science we learnt the key stages of the human life cycle and looked at some data about babies and their length and weight.
Reading every day - reading record to be signed and brought to school each day
Spelling due Tuesday
Maths - TT Rockstars - due Thursday
Spring Term 2 2024
Knowledge Organisers
FLE Knowledge Organiser computing 5 6 internet safety SPring 1 2021
download_for_offlineFLE Knowledge Organiser computing 5 6 internet safety SPring 1 2021
- FLE Knowledge Organiser dt 5 6 marble run download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFLE Knowledge Organiser dt 5 6 marble run
- FLE Knowledge Organiser science 5 6 circulatory system download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFLE Knowledge Organiser science 5 6 circulatory system
- KO cricket lynher spring 24 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO cricket lynher spring 24
- KO Geography Lynher Spring 2 24 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO Geography Lynher Spring 2 24
- KO Music Lynher Spring 2 24 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO Music Lynher Spring 2 24
- KO RE Lynher Spring 2 24 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO RE Lynher Spring 2 24
computing spr 2 online safety lynher 2024
download_for_offlinecomputing spr 2 online safety lynher 2024
- DT Lynher spr 2 marble run 2024 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineDT Lynher spr 2 marble run 2024
- Geography spring 2 2024 lynher Plymouth download_for_offline
download_for_offlineGeography spring 2 2024 lynher Plymouth
- Music lynher 2024 spring 2 epoca download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMusic lynher 2024 spring 2 epoca
- PE spring 2 2024 cricket download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePE spring 2 2024 cricket
- PSHE photobook mental spr 2024 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePSHE photobook mental spr 2024
- RE photobook spring 2 2024 Lynher download_for_offline
download_for_offlineRE photobook spring 2 2024 Lynher
- Science Photobook Spring 2 Lynher 2024 Circulatory system download_for_offline
download_for_offlineScience Photobook Spring 2 Lynher 2024 Circulatory system
Weekly Updates
Thursday 28th March 2024
Well done for the effort in your bonnets. It was fun to try and guess what you wanted to be. This week we looked at the impact drugs can have on the body, particularly focussing on the circulatory system. We also finished our English unit writing explanation texts and had fun presenting them. We made quizzes in computing to test each other on what we know about staying safe online.
Because I forgot to say before you left, there is no specific reading or maths homework however any time you spend on TTRockstars or reading will earn you house points.
Friday 22nd March 2024
We have been combining English, maths and science this week through the circulatory system. We have begun writing an explanation text about it making sure we are formal and trying to use the passive tense. We also planned and carried out an investigation to see if exercise affects our heart rate. We took our pulse resting, then tried different exercise and took our pulse again. We made line graphs to show our results and will be analysing them next week.
Today we did well practising our song for the Easter celebration. We are looking forward to sharing it next week.
In computing we used what we had learnt to consider our options in different online situations. We thought about the best course of action and why.
Spelling due Tuesday
Maths due Thursday
Reading due every day to be signed by an adult
Class Lynher Geography Trip to Plymouth - 18th March 2024
Friday 15th March 2024
Gosh, this half term is flying by. It was lovely to see the sea of red this morning for Comic Relief and thank you for the support for the cake sale too.
In PSHE this week we learnt more of our decider skills including Fact or Opinion and Self Care. We also talked about when we had felt the fizz and which skill we had used to help us.
In PE this afternoon we had fun combining all we had done to have an afternoon and of skills and games with class Tamar. It was good to put everything in to practice and we just beat the rain.
In science we thought about how a balanced diet and exercise contribute to a healthy lifestyle and the impact they both have on our bodies. We then designed a poster to promote this.
For maths year 6 were delighted to get the cubes out for their work on volume and year 5 have been working hard at drawing and interpreting line graphs.
Please remember to be at Cremyll ready for the trip on Monday morning.
Reading to be completed and brought in signed each day by an adult.
Spellings due Tuesday
Maths - 20 minutes on TTRockstars - due Thursday
Year 5 Junior Life Skills - 13th March 2024
Friday 8th March 2024
What a fantastic day we have had at the Eden Project. The children were so well behaved but had lots of fun. We sketched plants that were helpful to us and enjoyed both biomes, the Core and the new outside play area.
Also this week we enjoyed World Book Day. We took part in a live lesson about how books are designed and then a live session with Michael Rosen. We also shared the passages we had prepared to read to each other.
In English we used our imaginations to plan and write a story based on a short film about a girl who lives on a whale.
Reading every day to be signed by an adult
Spelling due Tuesday
Maths (20 mins) due Thursday
Class Lynher Eden Mar 2024
Friday 1st March 2024
In PSHE we had a visit from Trudi who is coming in for the next four weeks to talk about health and wellbeing. We started with some breathing exercises and learnt about STOPP. In English we have been writing imitation poems based on the Jabberwocky. We have made up our own foes and have had fun writing nonsense words. It is harder than you think. In maths we have been looking at perimeter and area and how you can find them in different shapes. In science we have been learning about the heart and the blood. Your heart is a muscle that pumps your blood around your body. Last night some of us were part of a giant choir singing sea shanties at Liskeard Town Hall for Songfest 2024. We used lots of confidence and really enjoyed ourselves.
Spelling due Tuesday
Reading everyday signed by an adult
Maths 20mins on TTRockstars/ Numbots due Thursday
Make sure your reading for World Book Day is in school by Thursday ready to share with the class. This should be at least half a page from an interesting part of a book that you have practised reading and can do with expression and following the punctuation.
Friday 23rd February 2024
In computing we have been learning about cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is when people bully you online. We should tell a trusted adult if it happens. In science we are learning about the circulatory. This is made up of the heart, the blood vessels and the blood. It pumps blood around your body. For English we have been learning the poem the Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll. It has lots of made up words which we have tried to understand. We have learnt it by heart and are performing it today. In maths year 5 have been looking at fractions, decimals and percentages and how you can show a number in all three. In year 6 we are looking at percentages of an amount.
Read to an adult at least five times and get your reading record signed by an adult
Maths - 20 minutes on TTRockstars due Thursday
Spelling - due Tuesday
Spring Term 1 2024
Knowledge Organisers
FLE KN French animals
download_for_offlineFLE KN French animals
- FLE Knowledge Organiser art 5 6 mixed media landscape download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFLE Knowledge Organiser art 5 6 mixed media landscape
- FLE Knowledge Organiser music 5 6 spring 1 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFLE Knowledge Organiser music 5 6 spring 1
- FLE Knowledge Organiser science 5 6 light and how we see autumn 1 2021 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFLE Knowledge Organiser science 5 6 light and how we see autumn 1 2021
- FLE Knowledge Organiser variables in games download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFLE Knowledge Organiser variables in games
- FLE KO History spring 1 2024 Lynher windrush immigration download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFLE KO History spring 1 2024 Lynher windrush immigration
- FLE KO PE Spring 1 2024 Lynher badminton download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFLE KO PE Spring 1 2024 Lynher badminton
- knowledge organiser RE spring 1 2024 Hindu Good download_for_offline
download_for_offlineknowledge organiser RE spring 1 2024 Hindu Good
- pshe spring 1 lynher 24 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinepshe spring 1 lynher 24
Art photobook mixed media spr 2024
download_for_offlineArt photobook mixed media spr 2024
- computing spr 1 variables lynher 2024 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinecomputing spr 1 variables lynher 2024
- History spring 1 2024 immigration lynher download_for_offline
download_for_offlineHistory spring 1 2024 immigration lynher
- Music Lynher 2024 spring 1 nasheed download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMusic Lynher 2024 spring 1 nasheed
- PE spring 1 2024 badminton download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePE spring 1 2024 badminton
- PSHE photobook spring 1 2024 lynher final download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePSHE photobook spring 1 2024 lynher final
- RE photobook Spring 1 24 lynher hinduism download_for_offline
download_for_offlineRE photobook Spring 1 24 lynher hinduism
- Science Photobook Spring 1 Lynher 2024 Light download_for_offline
download_for_offlineScience Photobook Spring 1 Lynher 2024 Light
Weekly Updates
Friday 9th February 2024
Yesterday in science we were looking at light phenomena. We were able to get an arrow to change direction by putting it behind a glass of water. We also saw how you can split light into rainbow colours through a prism. We finished our Alma unit. We wrote it up as a story and then illustrated it. We were so proud we have taken copies home. We played competitive matches in our badminton session this afternoon using all of our skills. On Wednesday we watched a live ballet lesson with the Royal Opera House. We enjoyed dancing to the sword fighting scene in Romeo and Juliet and being at the Mad Hatters tea party from Alice in Wonderland.
Spring Half Term Homework
Reading – Please read at least 7 times to be signed in your reading record
Maths – Please do 20 minutes on TTRockstars/Numbots depending on your group
World Book Day
Please can you begin to prepare a short reading (1/2 to a whole page) of a book of your choice. The aim of this is to share something you particularly enjoy. Think about the punctuation and expression you need. We will be sharing these on World Book Day in March.
Friday 2nd February 2024
In art we used mixed media to create cityscapes. We used ink and acrylic paint as well as crayon, pen and watercolour this week. We then made notes on what we had experienced. In computing we learnt how to make a game in scratch. We had to use a lot of code. Then we played the game to see if it worked and if it didn't we had to debug. In English we were learning about embedded clauses and how to punctuate them for parenthesis. We played a game in pairs to make funny sentences. In badminton we continued with rallies and then went on to competitive mini games, trying to score a point by getting the shuttlecock to hit the other side of the court.
Reading everyday
Spellings due Tuesday
Maths due Thursday
Friday 26th January 2024
In PE we have been looking at cheerleading and routines. We had a resource which gave us ideas for movements and then we put them together into a routine. In history we have been looking at the Windrush generation and how they were treated when they arrived. In English we have started looking at a short film called Alma and thinking about how we can show not tell her emotions. In science we were looking at shadows and how they are made. We looked at how light goes through different materials. This afternoon we were working on movement in badminton, lunging and chasseing to hit the shuttlecock. We then worked on our rallies. In art we had fun combining different media drawing landscapes outside.
Reading everyday
Spelling due Tuesday
Maths due Thursday
Please remember your PE kits for Wednesday and Friday
Friday 19th January 2024
This week in PE we started a cheerleading unit. We had to try different dance moves and get them in time and in sync with your partner. We've also continued with badminton, practising both forehand and backhand and beginning to return. In English we have finished our persuasive writing unit with a persuasive letter to try and convince the council not to build a mega school on a community green space. We had to explain our ideas. We made periscopes in science to help us to understand how we see things. In art this afternoon we extended our sketch books by adding in concertina pages, different shapes and long and thin pieces ready to use for our mixed media work.
Reading every day
Spelling due Tuesday
Maths due Thursday - remember you have new logins in your reading records
Friday 12th January 2024
We started our new English unit which is based around a zoo devised by Sir David Attenborough. We have been seeing how we can write persuasively in a leaflet and have planned a letter to the council. In badminton we used a balloon to begin to help us master the backhand grip. We then did relays using it. In history we began to learn about immigration in Britain. Year 6 also had a workshop with Barnados which discussed stereotypes and jobs.
Reading everyday
Spelling due Tuesday
TT Rockstars (Numbots) due Thursday
Autumn Term 2 2023
Knowledge Organisers
FLE Knowledge Organiser dt 5 6 autumn 2 cams
download_for_offlineFLE Knowledge Organiser dt 5 6 autumn 2 cams
- FLE Knowledge Organiser PE 5 6 Autumn 2 2023 fitness circuits download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFLE Knowledge Organiser PE 5 6 Autumn 2 2023 fitness circuits
- FLE Knowledge Organiser web page creation download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFLE Knowledge Organiser web page creation
- knowledge organiser RE autumn 2 2023 why do people believe in God download_for_offline
download_for_offlineknowledge organiser RE autumn 2 2023 why do people believe in God
- KO Geography Lynher Aut 2 2023 Fairtrade download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO Geography Lynher Aut 2 2023 Fairtrade
- KO music download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO music
- LYNHER PSHE AUT 2 2023 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineLYNHER PSHE AUT 2 2023
- year 56 ma famille aut 2 2023 lynher download_for_offline
download_for_offlineyear 56 ma famille aut 2 2023 lynher
computing autumn2 web page creation Lynher
download_for_offlinecomputing autumn2 web page creation Lynher
- DT Lynher aut 2 2023 automata animals download_for_offline
download_for_offlineDT Lynher aut 2 2023 automata animals
- French Autumn 2 2023 ma famille download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFrench Autumn 2 2023 ma famille
- Geography fair trade lynher aut 2 23 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineGeography fair trade lynher aut 2 23
- Music autumn 23 photobook why do we sing download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMusic autumn 23 photobook why do we sing
- PE Fitness Lynher Aut 2 2023 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePE Fitness Lynher Aut 2 2023
- PSHE lynher 2023 aut 2 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePSHE lynher 2023 aut 2
- RE lynher god believe or not lynher aut 2 23 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineRE lynher god believe or not lynher aut 2 23
- Science Photobook Autumn1 Lynher 2023 reversible irreversible download_for_offline
download_for_offlineScience Photobook Autumn1 Lynher 2023 reversible irreversible
Weekly Updates
Friday 15th December 2023
We have had a particularly Christmassy week. We used our confidence in our Christmas plays and really enjoyed being on stage. This afternoon we had fun creating and manning our stalls for the Christmas Fayre. Thank you all for coming. We hope you enjoyed them. We also enjoyed making gonks and Christmas cards. Thank you Mrs Adams. We have also written a balanced argument in RE about 'Is God real?'.
Reading please. See how many books you can complete over the holidays. You will need that knowledge and inspiration for the first two days back.
Friday 8th December 2023
What another busy week. We finished our DT projects and passed them on to class Plym. We have been rehearsing hard and are looking forward to sharing our performance with you next week. Year 6 have been working hard on ratio while year 5 finished their current multiplication and division unit. We enjoyed our visit from Daya on Monday. We were also writing poems in the style of Benjamin Zephaniah so were sad to hear of his death. We have also been planning our stalls for the Christmas Fayre next week.
Reading as usual - especially your playscripts
No maths
No spelling
Friday 1st December 2023
This week we had a really good trip to Truro. We got a shout out on the train and enjoyed our tour and workshop at the cathedral.
We made our final products for DT - moving animals using cams and followers. We had to use our tools safely and measure carefully.
We have been doing play practice and are looking forward to having our stage up next week.
Reading every day to be signed by an adult
Spelling due Tuesday
Maths due Thursday
Friday 24th November 2023
In English we have been enjoying poetry by Ted Hughes. We then used one of them as a basis for writing our own seasonal poems first in a group and then individually.
In maths year 5 have been learning about different types of numbers and we used cubes to prove why numbers were square or cube.
We created our own web pages in computing yesterday and linked to sub pages, videos and websites using hyperlinks. We were able to format our text and text boxes.
PLEASE LEARN YOUR PLAY WORDSMaths - TT Rockstars due Thursday
Friday 17th November 2023
In English we wrote a mystery story in the style of ‘The Watertower’ using our own setting. In science we have been separating materials using different equipment such as filter paper, sieves and magnets. We also evaporated salt water to see the salt crystals left behind. We have been practising for our play in the hall pretending to be on stage. We have to project our voice and face the audience when we speak. We have been learning a Gospel song called ‘Why do we sing?’. We looked at examples of Gospel singers and used ideas from them in our own performance.
Christmas Script - Please learn your words and where you come in - we are going script free next week
Reading every day to be signed by an adult
Spelling due Tuesday
Maths - at least 20 mins on TT Rockstars
Friday 10th November 2023
This week in DT we have been learning about followers and cams and have started making our own prototype.
In English we are starting to create a setting for our own mystery story in the style of The Watertower.
In music we have been learning more about gospel singing and we watched a video of Kirk Franklin and Ray Charles.
In PE were doing circuits and timing how long it took. We tried to beat our scores.
Spelling due Tuesday
Reading every day signed by an adult
Maths due Thursday - at least 20 minutes in TT Rockstars
Friday 3rd November 2023
Thank you to those who have already learnt or are starting to learn your play words. It made the first run through very successful. The sooner you learn them, the sooner we can add in the fun.
Elsewhere this week:
In English wrote the opening paragraph to our newspaper report about our book. We also made notes to help us for the main body. In PE we did gymnastics. We were travelling across the benches using different moves and learning to hold our stretches. In music we listened to Gospel and spirituals music and talked about what we could hear. In computing we started looking at websites and learnt that they are written in HTML code.Reading at least 5 times to be signed by an adult - reading record to be in every day
20 mins minimum of TT Rockstars due Thursday
Spelling due Tuesday
Autumn Term 1 2023
Knowledge Organisers
FLE Knowledge Organiser art 5 6 Typography and Maps
download_for_offlineFLE Knowledge Organiser art 5 6 Typography and Maps
- FLE Knowledge Organiser computing communication and collaboration download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFLE Knowledge Organiser computing communication and collaboration
- FLE Knowledge Organiser PE 5 6 Autumn 1 2023 Tag Rugby download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFLE Knowledge Organiser PE 5 6 Autumn 1 2023 Tag Rugby
- Knowledge organiser 56 music drunken sailor download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKnowledge organiser 56 music drunken sailor
- Lynher 56 Knowledge Organiser French The date download_for_offline
download_for_offlineLynher 56 Knowledge Organiser French The date
- pshe lynher aut 1 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinepshe lynher aut 1
- RE Autumn 1 23 Creation - conflict or complementary download_for_offline
download_for_offlineRE Autumn 1 23 Creation - conflict or complementary
- science reversible changes 56 aut 23 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinescience reversible changes 56 aut 23
Art photobook typography lynher aut 23
download_for_offlineArt photobook typography lynher aut 23
- computing autumn 1 communication and collaboration Lynher download_for_offline
download_for_offlinecomputing autumn 1 communication and collaboration Lynher
- French Autumn 2023 LA date download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFrench Autumn 2023 LA date
- History gunpower lynher autumn 1 2023 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineHistory gunpower lynher autumn 1 2023
- Music autumn 23 photobook sea shanty download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMusic autumn 23 photobook sea shanty
- PE Rugby Lynher Aut 1 23 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePE Rugby Lynher Aut 1 23
- PSHE being me in my world lynher autum 1 2023 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePSHE being me in my world lynher autum 1 2023
- RE lynher autumn 1 2023 creation and science download_for_offline
download_for_offlineRE lynher autumn 1 2023 creation and science
Weekly Updates
Friday 20th October 2023
What a productive half term. It has flown by. This week we have been writing using suspense and trying to show not tell how our character Bubba is feeling. Yesterday we started working towards a Blue Peter reading club badge by writing book reviews. In PE we were doing dodge ball and gymnastics. We had to make a routine including rolls, balances, jumps and different levels of travelling. This week we auditioned for our parts in the Christmas play. We have our words to practice over half term. We organised, practised and then recorded a final performance of ‘What shall we do with the drunken sailor?’. We sang, harmonised, played body percussion and cups and played the bass notes and chords on keyboards.
Reading - at least 5 times signed by an adult
Maths - at least 20 minutes on TTRockstars
Spelling due Tuesday 31st October
Please also start learning your part for the play.
Please return Blue Peter forms by Friday 3rd November
Friday 13th October 2023
We created 3d maps in art and put on typography to fit the theme of the map. In history we did about the Great Fire of London. Only 6 people were recorded as dead but it caused a lot of damage. In rugby we did a few mini matches in our House teams. We had to pass it to everyone on the team before we could score a try. In French we did our assessment to show what we had learnt through the unit. We had to listen, read and write. For Harry Potter day we did a workshop and experimented with our words to write a description of a magical setting. We also learnt how to draw Hogwarts which was fun.
Spelling due Tuesday
Reading everyday
TT Rockstars for maths at least 20 mins. Remember this will be checked.
Friday 6th October 2023
In English we completed a distance write. It had to be a fiction real-world with a bit of mystery and include the characters speaking using inverted commas.
In PSHE we were doing rules and why we have them and need them. We thought about what would happen if we didn't have them, for example if you were crossing the road you might get injured.
In science we were carrying out an investigation to see if you could affect the rate of dissolving. We tried things like changing the water type to fizzy, different temperature of water and the number of stirs.
We played mini-games in netball and it was High 5 netball which has 5 players on each team.
It was national poetry day yesterday. We read some poems on this year's theme of refuge and then tried writing our own. For fun we took home 'On the ning, nang, nong'. There are housepoints up for grabs if you can recite it next week.
Reading every day as usual
Maths - 20 minutes minimum on TTRockstars by Thursday - please see slip in reading record
Spelling - due Tuesday
Audition - You should have taken home a sheet with some lines for our Christmas play. It is much easier to shine at the audition (in two weeks) if you are familiar with the lines. Please take the time to read and practice them. You do not need to know them off by heart but if you can remember any, that's a bonus.
Friday 29th September 2023
We had a fantastic online session with Maz Evans, the author of 'Who let the Gods out' this morning. We got a shout out for our class and Charlie had a question answered. There is information on the news letter about how you can get a cheaper copy of her new book and raise money for school.
We also had fun today making up body percussion to different seas shanties in music. We recorded our ideas using a quaver grid.
In art we started to combine everything we have been learning to design a map using typography. We looked at different artists who have designed maps that show different things such as their personality or fictional places.
For PE we have been enhancing our skills in tag rugby and had to work hard at passing the ball.
Spelling due Tuesday
Maths due Thursday
Reading everyday to be signed by an adult
Friday 22nd September 2023
In French we learnt the numbers from 1-31. For twenty one and thirty one you need to say thirty and one or twenty and one.
We had a visitor from Sea Cadets who did a taster session for us. We made tin foil boats and tried them to see which could float and hold the most marbles.
In computing we learnt about how you could work together online for example by using a shared drive, video calling or sending attachments on an email.
For music we used body percussion to keep a beat and help us to learn a new song - Hey Ho Nobody Home.
Spelling due Tuesday - please ask Mrs Adams if you need another copy
Maths due Thursday
Reading every day to be signed by an adult
Friday 15th September 2023
In music we continued with our sea shanty work and played a cup game of it where we had to keep a rhythm. This required lots of concentration.
In science we were looking at reversible and irreversible for example if you put bread in the toaster and toast it you can't change it back to bread so it's irreversible. Whereas if you mix salt with water to make a solution you can heat it up to make the water evaporate and leave the salt behind.
In history we started to learn about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot. We were surprised to learn that he wasn't the leader of the plot.
Reading every day signed by an adult
Spelling due on Wednesday book signed
Maths due Thursday
Friday 8th September 2023
Welcome (back) to Class Lynher.
This week in music we have started learning about sea shanties and using body percussion.
We tested materials in science to learn about their properties for example to see if they were soluble, magnetic, conducted electricity, how hard they are and if they were transparent.
In English we did a distance write about an amazing day we didn't have in the school holidays. One of us got sucked into their TV, one of us went to Hawaii and one of us met Mike Wazowski.
In art we looked at typography and it was fun to discover how many different ways you could change a letter.
Spelling homework due in Wednesday
Maths due Thursday - Autumn term workout 1
Reading at least 5 days a week, each to be signed by an adult
- computing autumn 1 communication and collaboration Lynher download_for_offline
- FLE Knowledge Organiser computing communication and collaboration download_for_offline
- DT Lynher aut 2 2023 automata animals download_for_offline
- FLE Knowledge Organiser PE 5 6 Autumn 2 2023 fitness circuits download_for_offline
- computing spr 1 variables lynher 2024 download_for_offline
- FLE Knowledge Organiser art 5 6 mixed media landscape download_for_offline
- DT Lynher spr 2 marble run 2024 download_for_offline
- FLE Knowledge Organiser dt 5 6 marble run download_for_offline
- computing sum 1 3d lynher 2024 download_for_offline
- FLE Knowledge Organiser science 5 6 human changes download_for_offline
- French KO Lynher summer 2 food 2024 download_for_offline