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Fourlanesend CP School


Children in Class Plym are not given set homework, however, we do expect children to read daily at home and have this recorded in their reading journal. 
Children have PE twice a week and this usually falls on a Wednesday and a Thursday. However, if children could have a PE kit in school at all times, this would be much easier as sometimes plans change.. just like the Cornish weather!

Summer Term 2 2024

Knowledge Organisers

AUTOLIST_PICKER{f=Plym_KOs_Sum_2_2024|sortorder=AZ|quantity=All|showicons=y|showyears=n|ShowDate=n|ShowSearch=n|layoutchoice=boxwithpreview}Photobooks are added after each half term. 

Weekly Updates

Friday 19th July 2024

I cannot believe that we have reached the end of their first academic school year! The progress has been phenomenal and we are all so proud of them. This week we have written sentences about what we can see in a picture. The children have worked so hard on their sentence writing skills. We have more finger spaces and super phonics use. 

The children have been very helpful this week helping to get the classroom areas tidied up and all of the boxes of toys sorted into what should be in them.

Have a well deserved and wonderful holiday and please stay safe, 

Miss G x

Friday 12th July 2024

This week class Plym have been practicing their sounds in their phonics sessions and then challenging themselves to write accurate ‘I can see’ sentences about a selection of pictures. The children have worked so hard and we are all very impressed.

In Maths the children have been consolidating their previous learning and applying it to solve a range of challenges.

In English, the children have been wrapping things up and consolidating their previous learning by writing messages in a bottle like a pirate, a packing list for a beach trip and writing a book review about ‘What the Ladybird Heard’.

In PE the children were developing their catching skills and remembered that they needed to keep their eyes on the item.

In RE the children thought about what all of the stories in the special books teach the people who read them. They suggested that they teach people to be respectful, kind and caring. The books teach us to use our values and how to lead a good life.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss G x

Friday 5th July 2024

Phonics: phase 4 revision, games and consolidation. We will be reviewing a few sounds that we find tricky and then making a little start on some phase 5 sounds!

English: Thinking about appropriate adjectives to describe a noun. We then went on to explore some non-fiction texts and did some research about farms. We will be writing our own fact sheets. The children knew so much already!

Maths: 3D shapes exploration, properties and naming. Then reviewing sharing and number recognition as these are areas we need a little more practice.

PSHE: We thought about some of our best memories about being in reception this year.

RE: Learning what the special Jewish text is. The Torah. Remembering the Jewish, Christian and Muslim special texts and how these have to be handled.

PE: Fairground of activities to bring together our skills such as throwing and jumping.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss G x

Friday 28th June 2024

Phonics: thr, phase 4 language session and phase 4 lessons on bug club focusing on consonant blends.

On Monday, we welcomed the new children in for their second transition and enjoyed showing them around the classroom and playing alongside them.

English: We wrote a speech bubble for the ladybird to say what she could hear from around the school. We then thought about where the ladybird could go in the school and wrote our own section of the story. After that, we thought about what an adjective is and used lots of exciting adjectives to describe a ladybird. Some of the children challenged themselves write a number to sentences about what the ladybird could hear and using some superb adjectives.

In Maths the children have been looking at maps. We looked at Google maps and at our houses and then looked at a local map. The children then drew their own maps of how to get to the beach and then we walked down to the local beach and had an ice cream!

The children have thought about the things that they’re excited about joining year 1 next year. Apparently, the children are excited about the thought of doing harder work!

Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you enjoy the summer fayre.

 Miss G x

Class Plym's trip to the beach - 27th June 2024

We had a lovely time walking to the beach and drew our own maps. We also had an ice lolly!


Friday 21st June 2024

Phonics: xt, lk, mp, lp. Nch and tricky word: are.

The children completed a book review about the Very Hungry Caterpillar and then moved onto our new book, What The Ladybird Heard. The children used their confidence and acted out the story, taking on a variety of roles and re-telling the story well.

The children have continued to consolidate their maths knowledge and have played subitising bingo and thought about how many legs would be in a boat if there were different humans and animals. They have also created bridges and we measured how tall and long they were with a metre ruler.

In PSHE we thought about how we are feeling about moving into year 1. Some children said they were a little worried and some said they were really excited to learn lots of new things.

In RE the children learned about how Jesus chose to have dinner with Zacchaeus and how this story from the Bible teaches Christians to be kind to everyone. Everyone hated Zacchaeus so it was  really lovely to see someone be kind to him.

The children have been tackling challenges in the classroom and I was so pleased to see the children solving addition problems and using the compare bears to help them. They did them completely by themselves and only occasionally needed a little reminder to check which way a number went. Super proud moment!

The children were also very kind and friendly to the new reception children who came up for their transition afternoon.

Please keep reading and offering the children any chance to write. Perhaps let them write the shopping list one day? 😊

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss G x

Friday 14th June 2024 

Phonics: lt, lf, sc, shr, ft and tricky word ‘are’.

This week we have been very busy with maths and consolidating all of our learning. We have been looking at odd and even numbers and finding out if they can be shared into two equal groups to show that they are even. We have also been thinking about prepositions and whether something is on top, under neath, inside, outside or beside something else. We then went on to review the composition of numbers up to 5 and how many different numbers can add together to make the numbers.

In English we listened to The Very Hungry Caterpillar and thought about the letters of the alphabet and foods that began with each letter. Some of the letters were tricky to think of something! We have also we have also thought about the days of the week and wrote about what the caterpillar ate on each day.

In PSHE we thought about how we change and grow throughout our life. We looked at a simple time line and saw how we go from a baby to a toddler, child, teenager, adult and then elderly. We linked this to our class book and looked at the life cycle of a butterfly and the life cycle of a frog.

We have been busy making a special card for a special day on Sunday so we hope you enjoy them 😊.

Please keep reading at least 5 times a week and have a super weekend!

Miss G x

Friday 7th June 2024

Phonics: nd, gr, nk, pt, nt and tricky word 'so'.

This week we took a walk down to the local Co-Op to buy the things from our shopping list so we could make a healthy smoothie. 

In PE we learnt how to take part in a simple relay race. It was quite confusing but we got there in the end!

In PSHE we thought about the different parts of our body that we can and cannot see and we labelled these on an outline of one of our peers. We then thought about how we can respect our body by taking care of it by eating well and exercising, making sure we brush our teeth and get enough sleep. 

In Maths we have been thinking about sharing amounts equally.

Please keep reading at home every day :)

Miss G x


Summer Term 1 2024

Knowledge Organisers



Weekly Updates

Friday 17th May 2024

This week class Plym have enjoyed building a fire in wildtribe and toasting some marshmallows. We had to make sure we stayed behind the bricks to keep ourselves safe.

In RE we reflected on a Muslim and a Christian’s special place and then created our own at school. We chose to do it outside to make the most of the beautiful weather. We made sure it had comfortable things to sit on and books to read.

In English we have been reading Kitchen Disco and we thought about noises that we may hear at a disco. We could write a list or sentences about it and lots of the children challenged themselves to write sentences. Amazing!

In Maths we have been taking away and playing lots of fun games to do this.

Please keep reading and have a super weekend!

Miss G x


Friday 10th May 2024

Phonics: sl, sk, sm and tricky word: so.

This week the children have sequences pictures from the Humpty Dumpty rhume because they were all jumbled up. They also then had a go at seeing if words rhyme of not. To rhyme they needed to sound the same at the end of the word. We finished the week by writing our own rhymes’ Eg, Humpty Dumpty sat on the mat, Humpty dumpty wore a big hat.

The children enjoyed being outside for wildtribe, the weather was beautiful. They made clay minibeast and got to eat some popcorn with sugar on it!

In PSHE the children talked about kind and unkind words and sorted them. We decided that we should choose to use kid words as often as we could or it’ll upset people.

In PE we have been thinking about jumping and how to land in different ways. We jumped with both legs together, legs apart, one leg.. hopping was quite tricky over the hurdles! We finished with some sports day practice.

Please keep on reading 5 times a week. It’s been lovely to hear parents telling me how much their children are enjoying reading at home.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss G x


Friday 3rd May 2024

Phonics: gl, gr, pl, pr ad tricky word ‘like’.

The class Plym children have been working on their writing stamina this week. They have written the instructions on how to plant some cress. They then wrote a prediction about what they thought would be in the golden egg and then they moved on to learning about Humpty Dumpty and they wrote captions for some pictures.

The children loved a wet WildTribe day where they got to make clay models, explore water and tubing and make themselves beaded bubble wands.

We have started to think about Sport’s Day practice and then children have been jumping over some hurdles, balancing balls on bats, agility ladders and running. We loved taking part in a ‘circuit’.

In Maths the children loved looking at a book about which shape was the odd one out and discussing why. They came up with lots of valid explanations.

Please read 5 times a week – their recent phonic challenges show just how well they are doing, so thank you for helping with this.

Miss G x


Friday 26th April 2024

This week the children have been looking at consonant blends and reading words with them in. They have learnt: cl, cr, dr, fl and tricky word ‘have’.

The children loved having WildTribe on Tuesday and working together to make some dens. They also created a stick wand and decorated it with natural materials.

On Friday the children got to have another visitor in to take part in an EarthTribe day where they made binoculars out of cardboard tubes and jewellery with crisp packets. It was good to talk about recycling and re-using materials that we have.

Alongside our Jack and the Beanstalk unit, the children have to follow instructions to sow some cress seeds. We have placed them in a spot that can get  some sunshine and we have a spray bottle ready to water them. We can’t wait for them to grow and maybe even eat them!

In Maths the children have been playing lots of games like snakes and ladders to get us more acquainted with the numbers to 20. The more we practice, the more we will recognise and remember. It’s also always good to practice playing games and turn-taking.

Please ensure children are reading 5 times a week and record in their journal.

Have a super weekend,

Miss G x


Friday 19th April 2024

Happy Summer 1 term!

Phonics: ure, er, language session, bl, br.

The children have begun phase 4 which is learning about different consonant blends.

In English the children have been looking at the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. They have made Wanted posters and they have written a new menu for the giant because he kept eating chicken legs every day. We decided that this wasn’t very healthy!

In maths the children have been exploring higher numbers and ordering numbers up to 20. This was very tricky and will take some practice. We have been playing some games and have been learning a few more by sight.

We loved our WildTribe session this week and the childrenenjoyed watching the fire being made and getting to enjoy some yummy toasted marshmallows. The stick friends were a real hit too. Outfits can be kept in school for the duration of the half-term if you'd prefer. We will however send them home if they have been used in adverse weather and get all muddy.

We had the RLNI come and visit us and talk about beach safety – the children knew lots of ways to keep themselves already which was fantastic to hear.

In RE the children have been thinking about what makes a place special and what thespecial places are for them in their lives.

In PSHE the children have been thinking about the role of people in their houses and what special jobs they all have. Lots said their parents cook dinner and clean the house and some children said they have chores to do such as clearing away their toys or putting out the rubbish.

In PE we have begun thinking about Sport’s day so have been looking at the most efficient ways of moving to try and win the races. We tried walking forwards, backwards and sideways. We also looked at walking, running and jogging. We decided going forwards and running was the fastest way.

Please ensure that children are reading, the new phonics books may be a little tricky as we practice the new consonant blends.

Have a wonderful weekend,


Miss G x



Spring Term 2 2024

Knowledge Organisers




Weekly Updates

Thursday 28th March 2024

This week the children have been super excited knowing that Thursday was the Easter bonnet parade and Easter egg hunt. Class Plym have been doing a lot of practice of their hot cross bun song.

In PSHE the children thought about all of the ways that we can keep ourselves healthy and safe and they made some lovey posters. They mentioned stranger danger, teeth brushing, hand washing, sleeping, exercise and healthy eating.

The children have had to label missing person posters because Evil Pea is nowhere to be found. They had to think about what he looks like and write about him.

Have a truly wonderful Easter break and we look forward to welcoming you back in the summer term.

Miss G x


Friday 22nd March 2024

Phonics: ar, or, ur, ow, oi.

In English we have been looking at our new book ‘Supertato’. We had a talk about what a superhero is and what super things they can do. The children had a look at an ordinary potato and decided that it was quite plain and boring.. so what makes a potato super? We decided to design our own superhero vegetable! We got to choose our own vegetable and our own super power for it. The children were very creative.

In Maths the children had a go at fixing an incorrectly sequenced number line to 10 – the children were like detectives. The children then had a look at numbers 9 and 10. We did 9 and ten steps in the hall to see which one got us furthest away. The children then had a go at making their own numbers book – they had to represent each number from 0-10 and then an adult took a photo of it. It means we have our very own counting book to help us remember what numbers look like and how they can be represented.

In PSHE the children thought about ‘Stranger Danger’ – We thought about Little Red Riding Hood and how she spoke to a stranger in the woods. Some strangers can be kind but as children we should be super cautious and not speak to strangers. We must keep ourselves safe.

The children have been working hard this week to design and create Easter bonnets for all of the teachers so they can wear them on Thursday when we have our parade. They’re all very beautifully decorated and we can’t wait to wear them.

On Monday we had lots of fun in PE and used our bouncing, passing and catching skills to play a little game.

Please keep reading and had a super weekend!

Miss G x


Thursday 14th March 2024

Phonics: igh, oa, oo, oo and a language session.

English – we wrote a speech bubble for a character from the three little pigs story and then we wrote a list of what the piggies should pack in their backpack after being kicked out by their mum.

In Maths we have been thinking about time and how long a second, a minute and an hour is. We then cooked some Hot Cross Buns and had to time them for a minute in the toaster. We also thought about what we can do in a minute – we counted how many star jumps and how many hops we could do.

For our RE we looked at symbols of Easter such as bunnies, eggs and a hot cross bun. We then went for a walk to St Andrew's church and learnt about the Easter Story from Reverend Jo and then created our very own Easter gardens.

In PSHE we talked about why it is important to wash our hands, especially after going to the toilet and before eating!

Please keep reading!

Have a super weekend,

Miss G x

Class Plym RE trip to St Andrew's Church - 14th March 2024



Thursday 7th March 2024

Phonics: ng, language session, ai, ee.

This week the children have had a special delivery! We have 5 little caterpillars that we need to take care of. We have a special net for them and can’t wait to see what happens.

We absolutely loved dressing up for world book day and we enjoyed guessing who everyone was supposed to be.

In English we looked at our new text of the three little pigs and had to think about what we thought would happen in this one as there are so many different variations! We discussed how stories have a beginning, middle and an end and thought about what these parts in the story were. The children then went on to sequence pictures from the story and then act it out too.

In Maths the children have been thinking about taller and shorter and we had to sequence some teddy pictures in height order. We then had a challenge of who could push their toy car the furthest and we had to think of a way to measure the distance.

In PSHE we thought about the importance of sleep on keeping our bodies healthy. We talked about things that we do for our bedtime routine and what impact sleep has on our bodies such as helping it to heal and grown.

Tomorrow is our Eden trip and I know the children are so excited!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss G x


Friday 1st March 2024


Qu, language session, ch, sh and th.


This week the children sequenced the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’ and then thought about an extra character that they may like to add. We talked about what this character may say. Lots of children decided it wasn’t nice to say ‘no’ so they decided their character would say ‘yes’ and they wrote a speech bubble. Sone even wrote ‘Yes I will help you.’



This week the children have been combining two groups to make a total. They started with dominoes and then looked at part whole models. They then went on to have nunbers 4, 5 and 6 and they had to distribute spots in different ways on the part whole model to see which two numbers add together to make 4, 5 or 6.



In PE we had a go at moving different objects around our bodies. We used a ribbon, a bean bag, a small ball, a larger ball and then even a giant gym ball! We then had a go at trying to pass these objects to a partner. The balls were easier because they rolled. We had to keep our eyes on where we wanted our object to go.



In PSHE we talked about healthy eating and sorted some foods into healthy, not healthy or in the middle if we thought they were a bit of both. We used sorting circles to help us with this.



In RE we looked at the Easter story and talked about how Jesus was only able to come back to life because Christians believe that he is special.

The children also went out on a nature walk this week and enjoyed sticking petals onto their masking tape bracelets.

Please read at least 5 times a week and record this in reading journals.

Have a super weekend,

Miss G x


Friday 23rd February 2024


Review: x, language session, y, zz, z. The children have been writing a sentence with words using these sounds. Capital letters, finger spaces AND full stops!

Monday started with the children sharing their holiday news. We then began our new English text, ‘The Little Red Hen’. The children looked at the cover and thought about what they think the book may be about. What will happen? Who is in it? The children were then given a picture of the characters and they had to write what they could see. They wrote ‘rat’, ‘cat’, ‘dog’ and ‘hen’. The children were then given masks and had to act out the story. This is to prepare them for sequencing the story next week.

In Maths the children have been looking at the numbers 6, 7 and 8. The children have listened and counted claps of these numbers and then drawn them onto ten frames to see what they look like. We also looked at different ways we could show these numbers on a ten frame and that all of the ways don’t look the same. We have then moved on to combining two groups – we did this with 8 frogs and explored the different ways we could distribute them on a part-whole model. Eg, 4 add 4 or 5 add 3.

In PSHE the children talked about ways we can keep our bodies healthy. We all agreed that exercise, healthy eating, teeth brushing, water and sleep are very good ways to help with this. The children had to act out a sport and the rest of us guess what they’re doing. It was really fun and creative.

In RE the children talked about what they think about Easter. The common theme was chocolate!

Please keep reading. The children are absolutely blowing my mind in their phonics and English lessons.

Have a wonderful weekend,


Miss G x


Spring Term 1 2024

Knowledge Organisers




Weekly Updates

Friday 9th February 2024

Phonics: language session, j, v, w. We are reviewing phase 3 because the digraphs are tricky to remember and spot within words. We are also now writing a sentence each phonic lesson. Today we wrote ‘The fat fox.’

On Monday we really enjoyed careers day and dressing up as what we would like to do when we are older. We made some posters to show what we would like to do and we enjoyed seeing the parents come in and talk about their different jobs. On Wednesday a few parents popped in to see us and our posters.

In English we have been reading Supermarket Zoo and we have been writing a list of which animals are in the story. We then thought about what sort of habitats they would live in. We looked at woodland, arctic and desert habitats. As one of our tasks last week, we had to write a shipping list for Miss G so she could buy some pizza making ingredients. We talked  about how we need to wash our  hands before cooking, how we need to not touch a hot oven an dhow we need to time how long our food cooks in the oven or it’ll burn!

In Maths we have been looking at the numbers 6, 7 and 8. We have to do more careful counting now as the numbers are getting larger!

In PSHE we reflected on our goals that we set a few weeks ago and decided if we had progressed towards them yet. Someone had learnt to write their full name so they had achieved it. A few others decided they still have some more work to do before they have achieved their goal.

Please have a wonderful half term and we cannot wait to welcome you back for Spring Term 2!

Miss G x


Friday 2nd February 2024

Phonics: language session, ear, air, ure, er and tricky word ‘you’.

This week the children have been thinking about shopping in preparation for their new book, ‘Supermarket Zoo’. We have been talking about all of the different shops that we know and what happens in them. The children have a little shop role play too and they have been enjoying playing with the till.

In PSHE the children thought about how we can use kind words to encourage people to continue doing things or motivate them to get started. We pretended to be horrible to someone doing their work and talked about how this would make someone feel. The children then shared their suggestions on what they think their friends are good at.

In PE the children have been building on their balancing and running into space skills and have been learning how to throw a ball at a target. This is to prepare us for playing an exciting game of ;’fishy fishy’ next week.

The children will be thinking about different jobs and careers next week and what they think they might like to do when they are older.

Please keep reading, it’s making a massive difference.

Have a super weekend,

Miss G x


Friday 26th January 2024

Phonics: ar, or, ur, ow, oi and tricky word ‘are’.

This week we wrote a sentence about what was our favourite fruit that we tried from last week. We wrote a sentence like ‘The pineapple was best’. Lots of children used a capital letter, spelt the tricky word correctly and put a full stop at the end. We then looked at some non-fiction texts about some different animals that we saw at the zoo. Non-fiction means it’s real!

In Maths we played a matching game where we had to match the ladybirds to match to make number bonds to 5. We had to do some very careful counting. We then played a bean bag throwing game where we had five beanbags and we had to throw them into a hoop. We had to count how many landed in and how many landed outside and then say ‘so, 3 add 2 equals 5’ for example.

In PSHE we reviewed things that we had all achieved by not giving up and then we thought og goals that we could set ourselves to work towards. We decided that we must never give up and that we should always keep on trying.

Today we joined class Cremyll on a walk to the woods. We searched for flowers but there weren’t many there. We saw brambles and daffodils and decided that it would be better to go back again in Spring.

Please keep reading 5 times a week.

Have a great weekend,


Miss G x


Friday 19th January 2024

Phonics: oa, oo (look), oo (poo), language session. Tricky word: all.

This week the children looked at the fruits from the story and used adjectives to describe them. They talked about their shape, colour, size and weight. The following day the children got to try them all and talked about their taste. The children were very confident in trying some new foods.

In Maths the children have been looking at the size of objects and how just because something is bigger, it doesn’t mean there is more. The children then looked at dominoes and talked about which side had more and which side has less. We finished the week looking at the composition of four using our fingers and Numicon.

In PSHE we listened to the story of the Hare and the Tortoise and thought about how the tortoise was slower but didn’t give up. We talked about times in our lives where we haven’t given up and how we have achieved something as a consequence.

On Thursday we went to the zoo and we saw lots of exciting animals. We saw some from our story, too! The children were so well behaved and there were lots of squeals of delight.

On Friday the school was covered in a sheet of frost, so the children wrapped up walm and went on a winter scavenger hunt. The field looked spectacular and the children had so much fun finding everything on the sheet.

Please keep reading and have a wonderful weekend.

Miss G x


Friday 12th January 2024

Phonics: ng, language session, ai, ee, igh and tricky word: she.

This week we have looked at the number zero and how it means nothing. We played a game where we had to roll a dice and race to get our character to zero on the board first. We also sang lots of songs that involved taking one away until we reached zero.

In English we have read the book Handa’s Surprise and we had to write a shopping list of the fruits from the story so that Miss G can buy them for us to eat next week.

In PE we were practising stopping and starting with control. We had to run on ‘go’ and stop on ‘freeze’. We also had to jump up and down when commanded – it was really tricky when we had to do the opposite.

In PSHE we talked about perseverance and not giving up. We built towers with spaghetti and marshmallows. They kept breaking so we had to keep on going!

PE is on a Wednesday and a Thursday so please ensure kits are in school.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Miss G x


Autumn Term 2 2023

Knowledge Organisers





Weekly Updates

Friday 15th December 2023

Phonics: tricky word – he

Y, z, zz, qu and a language session.

This week we have been doing lots of Christmas-themed activities such as water colour painting Christmas pictures, written the inserts for our second lot of Christmas cards and performed our nativity THREE times! We hope you enjoyed our show as we worked very hard on it. We have also been decorating some giant gingerbread men templates and some of us chose to decorate them with repeating patterns.

We have been practicing writing CVC words and even wrote some using our new phase 3 sounds such as wig, fox and jug. The children have also read some CVC words and matched the word to the picture that matched – they have blown me away with how clever they are!

In maths we have been playing some fun and interactive games where we had to match the number to the amount of presents for the bear and the helicopter game where we had to find the number that the game says so that we can rescue the people stuck on it.

In PE we had some fun with the basketballs and practiced bouncing them and walking at the same time, we even got to go on the play equipment afterwards.

Please keep reading over the weekend, we have two final days left!

Miss G x


Friday 8th December 2023

Phonics: l, ll, j, v, w, x and tricky word ‘we’.

The children have been learning the start of the phase 3 sounds and have been enjoying finding them on the new sound mats.

On Monday we had a visitor in to come and tell us all about Islam. We got to dress up in the types of clothing that Muslim’s often wear and we watched how they pray in a mosque. We also had a go at doing some dancing – it was really good fun and the children were really respectful.

This week we made some more Christmas cards using shaving foam and pva glue – the foam is all squishy and they look like 3D snowmen. The children have also been doing some cutting and sticking to decorate a snowman picture.

In Maths the children have been reviewing all of our previous learning so we have been practicing how to write numbers 0-5, matching amounts to the numerals and playing some fun ladybird matching games on the big screen. As a challenge we got the 6-10 cards out and the children rose to the challenge and aced it!

In English we liked that Mr Bear had a cup of tea in the morning so we watched an adult make a cup of tea. We then had to make a list of the things that we needed – the children’s writing has been absolutely spectacular. They are absorbing all of the sounds like little sponges.

We are very excited to perform our play to the rest of the school and the local pre-schools on Monday – we have been practicing!


Have a great weekend,


Miss G x


Friday 1st December 2023


Tricky word ‘the’

H, b, f, ff, l and ll. The children have wowed me this week with their sounding out and writing of CVC words. Next week we will be moving on to phase 3 – eek!

The children begun their new English text of ‘Peace at Last’. They talked about their own houses and who lives in them and then decided on places that would be quieter for daddy bear to sleep in. The children also suggested that he could buy some ear plugs or close the curtains! We wrote a list of tings from the story such as a cat, pan, cup and bed.

In Maths the children have been building towers with five cubes of different colours. This was to help them see how many different ways five could be made. Eg, 1 yellow cubes and four green cubes. The children then began to look at squares and rectangles and talked about what is the same and what is different between them. The children were then given a square piece of paper and they folded it in lots of different ways to see how many different shapes they could make. They made a square,  a rectangle and even a triangle!

In PSHE the children looked at different types of homes and houses and talked about their own. Some people live in flats, massive farm houses, houses attached to others and a lady at school even lives on a boat!

The children have been thinking about Autumn this week and how so many leaves have now fallen off our outside area tree. They were so excited to change the weather board to December and change Autumn to winter!

Play practice has been going well and the songs have been sounding great.

Have a super weekend,

Miss G x


Friday 24th November 2023

Tricky word: go

Sounds: ck, e, u, r

Maths: looking at the numbers four and five and how these look. We looked at what a Numicon piece looks like, dots on a dice, fingers, bead string, five frame, ten frame, tower, the numeral and the word etc. We read Kipper’s Birthday and counted how many candles he had on his cake. We then had 5 cubes and had to see how many different shapes we could make and discuss how it is still always five, it just looks different.

This week the children have been following and reading a recipe to make play doh. They have made yellow and green and they used some lemon flavouring so it smells delicious! The children have also been making some Christmas decorations and cards and writing the inserts to go inside.

In RE the children talked about who came to visit the baby Jesus once he was born. There were three kings and three shepherds. They gave the baby gifts because he was so special and Christians believe that he is the son of God.

In PSHE we looked at different types of families and how not all families are the same. Soe have two dads, one mum and one dad, some children live with their grand parents.. some families have siblings, and some do not. All of these things are okay and they make us unique.

In PE the children have used the wall bars and balancing equipment again to try and travel in different ways and hold a balance with good control for a count of three. They are getting better and better each week!

The children have been learning about the season of Summer and had to sort clothes into what would be appropriate to wear in winter and what would be best to wear in the summer.

Please keep reading, it really is making a difference and their confidence is growing by the day.

Have a super weekend, 


Miss G x

Friday 17th November 2023

Phonics review of phase 2 and writing CVC words: g, o, c, k and tricky word ‘no’.

In English the children have been thinking about instructions as the poor Gruffalo was very hungry. We talked about how to make a jam sandwich and made our own. On Monday we will be writing the instructions alongside a photo of ourselves making one.

In Maths we have been focusing on shape. The children have explored circles and triangles. They have been on a shape hunt around school and also had a go at making the shapes using natural materials outside. Today we looked at Kandinsky’s concentric circle art and had a go at layering up circles to create our own.

In RE the children thought about what the word precious means as Christians celebrate Christmas because the baby Jesus was born and he is precious to Christian people.

In PE the children used their confidence and went on the wall bars and had to take a body part off and hold a balance for a count of three – they were absolutely amazing at this.

We also joined class Cremyll for their PE lesson and did some rolling, throwing and catching. We also joined them for a play practice and the children with speaking parts projected their voice well.

The children have really enjoyed playing with the little orby jelly beans and pouring them into different containers.

Please read 5 times this week.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss G x


Friday 10th November 2023

Phonics: review and reading/writing CVC words with sounds i, n, m, s and tricky word ‘to’.

This week the children have been learning about Remembrance day and creating some poppy-themed artwork. They talked about why we wear a poppy and how this is to help us to remember people who have lost their lives in wars.

The children have also been learning about Diwali as that is taking place on Sunday too. It is the Hindu festival of light. The children listened to the story of Rama and Sita and created some Diva lamps and some rangoli patterns with colourful powder paint and water.

In Maths the children have been thinking about the different ways that we can make three. We spread out three farm animals between two pens and worked out the different ways that we could do this. We could do 2 and 1, 3 and 0, etc. We also had a go at throwing three bean bags into a hoop to see how many land in the hoop and how many land outside – another way to represent the different ways to make three. To finish this off, the children had ladybirds with 1, 2 or 3 spots on them and the children had to sort them. The following day we challenged ourselves to try and see how many spots were on the ladybird without us having to count – subitising!

In English the children have been looking at the different setting in the Bear Hunt story and thinking about what we would see, hear, feel and smell in them. They had frozen water to represent the snowstorm one and it took a scientific turn when they had to work out how to get the objects out of the ice. Some children decided to hold it up in a ray of sunlight coming through the window.

In PE the children have been learning how to jump and land safely; using bent legs and landing on our feet to show that we had good control. In PSHE the children talked about what they are good at and it stimulated a very good discussion about how we aren’t all good at the same things.

In RE the children have been learning about the Christmas story and had a go at acting it out. We have also begun play rehearsal.

Please keep reading 5 times a week, at least.

Have a great weekend,

Miss G x

Friday 3rd November 2023

 Phonics: Reviewing phase 2.

  s,a,t,p but focusing on writing CVC words such as ‘sat’, ‘tap’ and ‘pot’. The children all recognised and wrote tricky word ‘I’.


The children have started learning the story ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. They have been talking about the different settings throughout the story and thinking of adjectives to describe them. We have had ‘blue’, ‘wavy’ and ‘clean’ to describe the water. The children completed their first piece of written English work in their books!


The children had fun carving a pumpkin at the start of the week and they all used their confidence to try some toasted pumpkin seeds – they were gone within minutes because they enjoyed them that much!


The children have been getting very excited about bonfire night and have been using a range of materials such as wax crayons, toilet roll tubes and paint to create firework pictures.


In PE the children have been learning how to carry benches and mats safely. They remembered how to lift a mat by having two children and saying 1,2,3. They learnt that you have to spread out equally on each side of the bench and making sure you don’t put it down on your toes.


In Maths the children have been continuing their learning of what 1, 2 and 3 look like. They have built towers with cubes and used natural materials such as shells and pine cones to see what 1, 2 and 3 looks like.


Please keep reading 5 times a week.


Have a wonderful weekend.


Miss G x




Autumn Term 1 2023

Knowledge Organisers




 Weekly Updates

Friday 20th October 2023

The children have just completed their first half-term at school and I am so incredibly proud of them.

Phonics: h,b,f,l,ll,ss and tricky word ‘go’

The children have been on an Autumnal walk this week and had to search for signs. They found some different coloured leaves on the ground and some conkers too! We have even been using the conkers to help us with our maths.

The children were very sensible this week and did their first cooking session. They looked at a recipe and what it is for. They followed the instructions and made some biscuits – I hope they were as yummy as they smelt!

In maths the children have been focusing on capacity and how larger jugs will hold more water and fill a bucket faster than a smaller jug. It got a little messy but it was good fun! They then started to look at numbers 1,2 and 3 and how they look in different ways. Eg, on a dice, on a ten frame, a five frame, on a bead string, the numeral and the word. They enjoyed exploring the different ways a number can be represented.

The children have been introduced to the Christmas play that we will be performing with class Cremyll and we have listened to some of the songs.


Have a spooktacular half-term and we look forward to welcoming you back on October 31st!

Miss G x


Friday 13th October 2023

Phonics: Ck,e,u,r and tricky word ‘no’. The children are getting better at sounding out and blending words using the sounds that we have learnt so far.

This week in PSHE the children talked about the rights of the child. We talked about how we all have the right to have a roof over our heads, fresh water, enough food, the right to play and the right to feel safe. We also discussed how we all have the right to come to school to learn.

In RE we talked about how Christians welcome a new baby – some people decide to give their children a christening. The children talked about ways we can celebrate other things such as a party or Christmas. We may decide to clean the house, cook some yummy food and decorate the house.

In Music the children enjoyed learning how the drums can make louder and quitter sounds, depending how hard we hit them.

The children have enjoyed playing outside a lot this week and especially exploring the water tray. The children have been washing the dinosaurs and sea creatures. The children have also had the bikes and scooters out and they are getting faster and faster!

In PE we recapped our ways to travel from last week and then we learnt some new rolls. We learned a rock roll, a pencil roll and a dish roll. We then had to perform a roll, travel to the next mat and then perform another roll. The children held a finishing pose for 3 seconds and then we gave them a very big clap for using their confidence.

The children have enjoyed using a ten frame to show how many children we have in class and rubbing the spots off to take away if someone goes home.

In Maths the children looked at the book Dear Zoo and we hadto think about what different animals could be  in the boxes based on their size. We then had to build houses for different toys. A sea creature toy needed a smaller house but the Mickey Mouse teddy needed  a much larger house!

The children completed their first written piece for English this week. They had to say and write the initial sound for some pictures from the Rainbow Fish story – I was absolutely overjoyed by how well they managed this!

It is nearly the end of their first, wonderful half term at school.

Please read 5 times during the week.

Happy weekend,

Miss G x


Friday 6th October 2023

Phonics: g, o, c, k and tricky word to.

This week the children have been thinking about why it is good to use kind hands. Jigsaw Jenie had hit someone and was feeling very sad. We looked at the book ‘Hands Are Not For Hitting’ and talked about all of the good things that hands can be used for such as shaking hands, waving, cuddling, drawing or even brushing our teeth.

In Maths we have been looking at repeating patterns and using objects such as cubes to make our own. We then had a scarf colouring sheet where we had to continue a repeating pattern. We also introduced the children to 5 frames and the words ‘more’, ‘less’ and ‘equal’. They were very good at comparing amounts up to 5 using this vocabulary.

In English the children thought about what a setting is and where the Rainbow Fish book is set – in the ocean. We then thought about our previous text Owl Babies and decided the setting for that book was in a forest.

The children have been enjoying using empty cardboard boxes to enhance their role play. We have had motorbikes and cars with lots of extra details such as steering wheels and brake lights. The children are so creative.

Thank you to everyone who attended the Phonics workshop and I hope you found it helpful.

Please remember to read and record at least 5 reads per week.

Have a super weekend,


Miss G x


Friday 29th September 2023

Phonics: I, n, m, d and tricky word I.

This week we have been looking at our new English text, ‘The Rainbow Fish’. We looked at a picture of the rainbow fish and thought of some amazing adjectives to describe his scales. The children have heard a few of the pages and were so shocked to hear that the rainbow fish told the other fish to go away. He wasn’t using his kindness value. We had also learnt about using kind words in PSHE and the rainbow fish wasn’t doing this!

In RE the children thought about belonging to a group. We belong to this school and we know that because we all wear the school logo on our jumpers. In PE we have been developing our gymnastic skills by trying out and learning some new balances. We did a pike, straddle, tuck sit, squat and an arch. We also tried being on all fours and taking off an arm or a leg and trying to not topple over/ We talked about why we need the gym mats – to protect us if we lose our balance.

The children have enjoyed using tissue paper and glue to create some rainbow fish collages.

In Maths the children have begun looking at pairs. They have looked at pairs of socks, pairs of shoes, pairs of compare bears and going on a pair hunt around the school.

Just a little reminder that our phonics information session on Thursday at 2:30pm.

Please keep looking at the children’s books with them and signing to say you have done so.


Have a great weekend,


Miss G x


Friday 22nd September 2023

This week in class Plym we have started our Phase 2 Phonics learning. We have learnt the sounds: s, a, t and p. We have been thinking of words that begin with these sounds and listening in other words to see if they contain these sounds.

In PSHE we have been thinking about how we felt on our first day of school. We looked at some pictures of children and decided if they were happy or sad. We talked about things that could have happened on their first day to make them sad such as missing their mummy or falling over. Our ideas for why they may be happy on their first day included things such as people sharing with them, their favourite food being for lunch or playing fun games.

In RE we talked about what a Christian is and we met a little girl called Grace. She wears a cross to remember God and she goes to church to read a special book called a Bible. We talked about how Christians believe that God made the entire world and everything in it.

In PE we thought about how we can move and travel in different ways. Ww pretended to be different animals such as a slot, a lion, a gorilla and a snake. They all moved in different ways; some slow and some fast.

In English we have been wrapping up our Owl Babies learning and have been thinking about things that we would wish for because the baby owls all sat on a branch and wished that their mother would return. We also looked at some non-fiction information about owls. They can turn their head all the way around!

Please enjoy looking at your reading books together and reminding the children of the new sounds that they have been taught this week.

Miss G x


Friday 15th September

 Class Plym have been superb this week. They stop and tidy before we have even finished singing the 'we've stopped' song! The children have had their first PSHE lesson where we talked about who we are and looked at the toys in our class. We agreed that the toys belong in this classroom and that we do too. Class Plym belongs to us.


This week we have done some more phase 1 work where we have read a book called 'seed to sandwich'. We thought about all of the things that began with the 's' sound and spotted them in the book. 


The children thought about who is special to them in RE and many talked about their families. 


In PE we have been balancing and navigating space - we had to move differently an dtry not to bump into anyone. 


The children knew they needed helmets to keep themselves safe on the bikes ad scooters so we have had them out a few times this week. The children have been getting faster and faster and trying new equipment.


Please look at reading books and talk about the pictures an drecord in reading diaries. Could you ask them to spot any things that begin with 's' in the house?


Have a super weekend, 


Miss G x


Friday 8th September 2023

The children have had a superb start to their schooling and we could not be prouder. They have begun to take new rules and routines in their stride. They have been coming to whole school assemblies and joining in with things like wake and shake in the morning. 


The children have been exploring their new classroom and have already been remembering new rules such as wearing an apron before painting. 


The children joined the year 1/2 class one afternoon to learn about the human body and we sand lots of songs such as 'heads, shoulders, knees and toes'. We also drew around each other and named as many body parts as we could remember. 


The children have been focusing on their phase 1 skills of listening - so lots of eye spy games to get them to really think about sounds and they have also been reading books to talking about what they can see and what they may hear in the pictures. 


Reading books have been sent home - please ask your child to talk about what they can see in the images and try to create their own little narratives. 


Have a wonderful weekend, 


Miss G x