Reading - a reminder that please can you read with your child each day AND record it in the reading record book. The reading record book needs to be brought into school each day.
Spellings will be given out on Fridays and tested on the following THURSDAY. If your child gets below 6 out of 10 they will be retested on the next day, Friday. The results of the test will be stuck into the homework book.
Maths - Minimum of 20 mins on TTRockstars a week which is checked on a Thursday morning.
PE Kits need to be brought into school each Monday and left in school for the week.
Summer Term 2 2024
Knowledge Organisers
KO - Summer 2 - Tamar - Computing
download_for_offlineKO - Summer 2 - Tamar - Computing
- KO - Summer 2 - Tamar - French download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO - Summer 2 - Tamar - French
- KO - Summer 2 - Tamar - Music download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO - Summer 2 - Tamar - Music
- KO - Summer 2 - Tamar - PE download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO - Summer 2 - Tamar - PE
- KO DT Sum 2 24 Bread download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO DT Sum 2 24 Bread
- KO History Sum 2 24 Crime Punishment download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO History Sum 2 24 Crime Punishment
- KO RE Sum 2 24 Celebrate Cornwall download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO RE Sum 2 24 Celebrate Cornwall
- PSHE SUM 2 24 Changing Me download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePSHE SUM 2 24 Changing Me
Weekly Updates
End of school year 19th July 2024
The end of another school year. Firstly, it was sad to see Emily Green leave our class and school this week for pastures new.
Please keep going with TTRS whenever your child can and as much reading as possible, it really keeps the skills up over the summer break.
Finally, our greatest thanks to Jenna Welch, our class TA and everything that she has done for our and your children.
Have a safe and enjoyable summer break,
Class Tamar Team
Tamar Archaeology Week 12th July 2024
Archaeology Tamar 2024
Bodmin Jail 3rd July 2024
Bodmin Jail Class Tamar 3rd July 2024
Weekending 28th June 2024
A busy week. Within English we finished our topic on ‘For the Birds’, writing a persuasive letter. A big maths focus on shape, including names of triangles, comparing angles, measuring and drawing accurately and horizontal and vertical lines.
We have looked at Norman laws and punishments as well as what the Tudors introduced, for example the Normans introduced the first courts and laws like the murdrum law across the whole country. We have also thought about the reasons behind Helston Flora Day and why in some ways it is very similar to Obby Oss in Padstow.
A massive thank you to all those who brought in sweets for the treasure chest for the Summer Fayre. Also a big thank you to Max, Oliver, Molly and Alfie A for running the stall. Finally another thank you needs to go to Alma, Billy, Autumn and Maya for creating the treasure map and the poster. It was a really popular store and raised over £20. Brilliant!!
Have a lovely weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green & Jenna Welch
Weekending 21st June 2024
This week we have been doing our end of term test and we finished these on Friday.
In History we have considered whether or not punishments in the past were fair or not and why. In our RE topic on Cornish special events and places we have looked at the Reverend Hawker who started the tradition of Harvest festival and wrote the Cornish Anthem, Trelawney. We have also found out about the Padstow celebration of Obby Oss on the first of May, welcoming in the Summer.
Please continue to read daily and complete 20 minutes of TTRS, the results of this are really showing. Spellings as normal.
Please can you child bring in A wrapped chocolate or wrapped sweets, or a bag for the Summer Fayre next Friday for our class stall.
Have a lovely weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch
Weekending 14th June 2024
Maths, we have continued with our topic of time with Year 3, looking at days, hours and minutes. Please can you continue to support your child telling the time in o’clock form, for example 25 minutes past 5 o’clock, 20 minutes to 1 o’clock. Year 4 have started statistics and interpreting graphs and charts where a symbol might mean more than 1, for example a football might mean 4 goals.
In English we have now finished the Firework Makers Daughter and moved on to a film unit, “For the Birds.” It is the Pixar clip shown before some of their animations. We have acted it out and included dialogue and actions. We have then taken this and started to put these into direct speech and inverted comas.
In history we have been looking at punishment in Anglo Saxon times and which of the punishments are still used today. We have recapped about St Piran and why it is an important festival in Cornwall for our RE. Finally, in PSHE we have looked at the topic of “Having a Baby”, including why people might want a baby and some of the challenges of having a baby.
Please continue to read daily and complete 20 minutes of TTRS, the results of this are really showing. Spellings as normal.
Have a lovely weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch
Weekending 7th June 2024
Maths, we started our new topic on time including telling the time on an analogue clock to “past” and “to”. We have told the time in 5 minute intervals and 1 minute intervals. We have also compared seconds, hours and days as well as translate the time from an analogue clock to a digital clock and used am and pm.
Within English we have planned a chapter for “The Firework Maker’s Daughter” which we write and edit next week. We also wrote our own independent poems based on, “The Sound Collector” called “The Taste Collector”. They were brilliant!
Within the rest of the curriculum we have started our History topic on crime and punishment, looking at punishment in the past. Most punishments were really awful!
We finally got the results back for the Soho Lighting Challenge, with Ben being the winner and Jock the runner up. Ben’s design will now be 3D printed for him to keep.
We are back to normal this week with spellings, TTRS (20 minutes) and reading 5 days a week. Please can you record each time your child has read in their record book
Have a lovely weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch
Have a lovely weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch
Summer Term 1 2024
Knowledge Organisers
KO - Summer 1 - Tamar - Computing FINISHED
download_for_offlineKO - Summer 1 - Tamar - Computing FINISHED
- KO - Summer 1 - Tamar - French FINISHED download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO - Summer 1 - Tamar - French FINISHED
- KO - Summer 1 - Tamar - Music FINISHED download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO - Summer 1 - Tamar - Music FINISHED
- KO - Summer 1 - Tamar - PE FINISHED download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO - Summer 1 - Tamar - PE FINISHED
- KO - Summer 1 - Tamar - Science download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO - Summer 1 - Tamar - Science
- KO Art Sum 1 24 Animation download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO Art Sum 1 24 Animation
- KO Geography Sum 1 24 Rivers download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO Geography Sum 1 24 Rivers
- KO RE Sum 1 24 Pentecost download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO RE Sum 1 24 Pentecost
- PSHE SUM 1 24 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePSHE SUM 1 24
Computing photo book Summer 1
download_for_offlineComputing photo book Summer 1
- French photo book Summer 1 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFrench photo book Summer 1
- Music photo book Summer 1 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMusic photo book Summer 1
- PE photo book Summer 1 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePE photo book Summer 1
- PSHE photo book Summer 1 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePSHE photo book Summer 1
- RG Photobook Art Sum 1 24 Animation download_for_offline
download_for_offlineRG Photobook Art Sum 1 24 Animation
- RG Photobook Geography Sum 1 24 Rivers download_for_offline
download_for_offlineRG Photobook Geography Sum 1 24 Rivers
- RG Photobook RE Sum 1 24 Pentecost download_for_offline
download_for_offlineRG Photobook RE Sum 1 24 Pentecost
- SCIENCE photo book Summer 1 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSCIENCE photo book Summer 1
Weekly Updates
Class Tamar Residential Trip to Camp Kernow - May 2024
Weekending 3rd May 2024
Maths, we have finished our current topics on decimals and mass and capacity and towards the end of the week we started decimals 2 and Fractions 2.
We have continued with ‘The Firework Makers Daughter’ looking up unusual words in dictionaries and writing a cross letter to Lachland from Lila. We had to use paragraphs and say why we were cross.
Tuesday, all day we made our lights for DT. We had to use glue guns and saws and mark where we wanted things cut. It was complicated making a switch out of silver foil but most of managed. We have also looked at features of a river like source and meander as well as learn that muscles can only pull.
Please keep reading daily with an adult signing our record books, TTRS and learning your spellings.
Enjoy the long weekend and the ‘Black Prince’ celebrations.
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch
Weekending 26th April 2024
On Monday please can your child bring in CLEAN plastic for our DT project.
We have continued to look at mass within Year 3 including solving addition and subtraction problems. We have now just started capacity looking at millilitres. Year 4 have continued with fractions and hundredths and we are now starting to learn about decimals.
We have adapted ‘The Sound Collector’ Poem, for example ‘The Sight Collector’. We then started our new narrative writing topic based on ‘The Firework Makers Daughter’. From the cover we inferred lots, just by looking at the picture of a girl with a walking stick. We also thought about the language used.
In geography we used atlases to locate some of the major rivers of the world. We have looked at the role of the skeleton in protecting our vital organs. In RE we have continued to consider Pentecost and the actions and feelings of the Apostles. We have created an annotated design for our DT which we make next week.
Please keep reading daily, TTRS and learning your spellings. If Year 4 wish to practice the tables check, the link for this is:
Enjoy your weekend
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch
Weekending 19th April 2024
Welcome back to the summer term and a bit better weather!
For both groups in maths we have stared new topics with Year 4 starting decimals as tenths building on our previous fraction knowledge. Year 3 have now started mass and capacity, specifically looking at grams and kilograms this week.
We have been looking at performance poetry, specifically ‘The Sound Collector’ by Roger McGough. We have read it aloud, developed ideas and changed the poem so that we could perform it. We found out that voice, volume, pauses and stops, actions and mime as well as sound effects make for a better performance.
We have recapped the water cycle and the fact that precipitation is snow rain or hail and the importance of rivers to take the water to the sea. In art we have undertaken sketches to record and develop ideas in our sketch book and in RE started to find out about Pentecost.
This is a normal home learning week with spellings, reading every day and at least 20 minutes of TTRS. If Year 4 wish to practice the tables check, the link for this is:
Enjoy your weekend
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch
Spring Term 2 2024
Knowledge Organisers
KO Computing Spr 2 branching databases
download_for_offlineKO Computing Spr 2 branching databases
- KO DT Spr 2 Light Design download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO DT Spr 2 Light Design
- KO French Spr 2 2024 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO French Spr 2 2024
- KO Geography Spr 2 Energy download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO Geography Spr 2 Energy
- KO PE Spr 2 2024 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO PE Spr 2 2024
- KO RE Spr 2 Good Friday download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO RE Spr 2 Good Friday
- KO Science Spr 2 2024 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO Science Spr 2 2024
- PSHE unit overview S2 - FINISHED download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePSHE unit overview S2 - FINISHED
Computing photo book Spring 2
download_for_offlineComputing photo book Spring 2
- French photo book Spring 2 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFrench photo book Spring 2
- Music photo book Spring 1 2 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMusic photo book Spring 1 2
- PE photo book Spring 2 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePE photo book Spring 2
- Photobook DT 24 2 Light download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePhotobook DT 24 2 Light
- Photobook Geography SPR 24 2 Energy download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePhotobook Geography SPR 24 2 Energy
- Photobook RE SPR 24 2 Good Friday download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePhotobook RE SPR 24 2 Good Friday
- SCIENCE photo book Spring 2 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSCIENCE photo book Spring 2
Weekly Updates
Weekending 28th March 2024
The final week of a busy term.
In maths we have finished our fractions unit with Year 4 adding and taking away fractions with the same denominator. Year 3 have been looking at equivalent fractions.
English, we have completed our biography unit. We have researched about Nikola Tesla and then created a class biography using subheadings. We also performed the poem that we created on Spring.
We have now finished our RE topic on Easter and what Christians believe happened on Easter Sunday.
Today we have lots of fun with our Easter Bonnet parade and Easter egg hunt.
There is no homework as such but please keep going with TTRS and the MTC check. The link for this is:
Also please keep reading!
Enjoy your Easter Break,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch
Weekending 22nd March 2024
In English we completed our final biographies, choosing between Gandhi or Marie Curie. We learnt how to use the possessive apostrophe and then had to include at least two examples of these.
In maths we have continued looking at fractions, ordering them and comparing them, including whole number fractions.
Year 4 have continued to complete daily multiplication checks as well as TTRS. The link for this is:
In PSHE, Trudy introduced the final three Decider Skills to help us manage our emotions and ensure that we react appropriately to different situations. In DT we finalised our lamp designs for the SoHo Lighting company, writing about what our inspiration was and why we had chosen that particular design. In French this week, we recapped the ten different fruits that we have looked at previously and learnt whether they were masculine or feminine, needing Un or Une. In Science we made our own switches out of card, split pins and a paperclip to control an electrical circuit, enabling us to turn a bulb on or off. In PE we continued to develop skills needed for football, including dribbling and passing and in RE we learnt all about Palm Sunday and Good Friday. Finally, in computing we finished our branching databases by classifying at least ten minibeasts and then allowing a friend to ‘test it out’ to make sure it worked.
Have a lovely weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch
Weekending March 15th 2024
We had an exciting start to our week where we walked down to Cawsand Beach to take part in a beach clean. A big thank you to Rob from Beach Guardian for leading this. We learnt so much about the effects that plastic is having on the ocean and sea creatures. Another big thankyou to The Bay for our hot chocolates at the end of our session!
This week we have finished our designs for our recycled light. We have also come up with a short story or poem to go with this. In Scieylnce, we have also our switches to put in a simple circuit in order to make a lightbulb work – we will be testing these next week!
Spellings and TTRS as normal for next week.
Enjoy the weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Jenna welch and Emily Green
Class Tamar Beach Clean - 13th March 2024
Weekending March 8th 2024
Another busy and exciting week. A big thank you to Rob for arranging our visit to the solar and wind farm on Wednesday, we had a fantastic time learning about renewable energy and why energy is important for our homes and community.
Thursday, World Book Day with everyone dressing up! We had a fantastic live broadcast from Michael Rosen which the children really enjoyed.
Friday! The Eden project. It was great to see all the links that the children made with our learning including the Stone Age.
Spellings and TTRS as normal for next week.
Monday, beach clean so sensible footwear and waterproof coats with school uniform.
Enjoy the weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Jenna welch and Emily Green
Class Tamar Eden Project Mar 2024
Class Tamar visit to Four Burrows Solar Farm 6th March 2024
Weekending 1st March 2024
In English we have continued looking at biographies including finding information out about our class mates and then using subheadings to organise this. We also explored not using the ‘real name’ that much instead substituting it with a pronoun.
Year 4 have continued looking at perimeters including those of regular polygons. We found out that if a shape is a regular polygon it will have equal sides and you can multiply the length of a side by the number of sides to find the perimeter. Year 3 have started looking at unit fraction. A fraction is when a shape or number is split into equal parts.
Year 4 have started doing daily multiplication checks as well as TTRS. The link for this is:
In PSHE we thought about when we get angry and ‘the fizz’ and using STOPP to help control. The first S means, stop and take a step back. Within DT we found out about our SOHO lighting challenge and started creating designs.
Have a lovely weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch
Week ending 23 February 2024
Firstly, thank you for everyone that continued doing TTRS over the break as well as reading every day. Very impressive, and it will make a difference.
In English we started our topic on biographies, looking at a number of famous people include, Taylor Swift, Florence Nightingale, Usian Bolt and Simone Biles. we looked at fact files and how we could organise the information using sub headings.
In maths Year 4 started looking at length and perimeter, with perimeter being the length around a closed shape. Year 3 have continued with length, including adding and subtracting lengths and comparing them.
We started our new topic on Energy for geography thinking about what energy we use in our homes and community. Within in RE we looked at the biblical story of Jesus in the temple.
Have a good weekend.
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green and Jenna Welch
Spring Term 1 2024
Knowledge Organisers
KO Art Spr 24 1 shape colour
download_for_offlineKO Art Spr 24 1 shape colour
- KO Computing Spr 24 1 sound download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO Computing Spr 24 1 sound
- KO History Spr 24 1 Ancient Greece download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO History Spr 24 1 Ancient Greece
- KO RE Spr 24 1 Hindu download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO RE Spr 24 1 Hindu
- PSHE unit overview S1 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePSHE unit overview S1
- SPRING - KO - Music download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSPRING - KO - Music
- SPRING 1 - KO - French download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSPRING 1 - KO - French
- SPRING 1 - KO - Science download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSPRING 1 - KO - Science
- SPRING 1 - KO PE download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSPRING 1 - KO PE
French photo book Spring 1
download_for_offlineFrench photo book Spring 1
- PE photo book Spring 1 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePE photo book Spring 1
- Phot book Art 24 1 Shape colour download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePhot book Art 24 1 Shape colour
- Photo book Computing 24 1 Scratch Sounds download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePhoto book Computing 24 1 Scratch Sounds
- Photo book History 24 1 Ancient Greece download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePhoto book History 24 1 Ancient Greece
- Photo book RE 24 1 Hindu download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePhoto book RE 24 1 Hindu
- PSHE photo book Spring 1 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePSHE photo book Spring 1
- SCIENCE photo book Spring 1 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSCIENCE photo book Spring 1
Weekly Updates
Week ending 9th February
Another busy half term. We have completed book reviews and comprehensions in English this week and within maths Year 4 have continued with multiplication and division of bigger numbers. Year 3 have started the topic on measures and have been measuring in mm, cm and metres.
On Monday we had a really successful careers day finding out about possible jobs in the future.
Please keep up the reading and TTRS over half term.
Enjoy the break,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green and Jenna Welch
Weekending 2nd February 2024
In maths we have been using our times tables facts to do short division including exchanging. The TTRS is making a difference so please keep it up! Year 3 have started looking at measures on Friday and measured in centimetres and metres. In English we have been writing the story of The Windmill Farmer using paragraphs for each part. We have also been editing and improving.
In science we learnt about water turning into water vapour or condensation. This process is called evaporation. We used a kettle to show evaporation. Within PE we played dodgeball and created sequences of movements.
We finished out History topic on the Ancient Greeks by looking at democracy and that democracy is an important British value. We found out about the Hindu festival of Diwali and what it means to be a Hindu in Britain today.
Please keep up with the reading the children are doing brilliantly and the same goes for TTRS!! Thank you.
Have a lovely weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch
Week ending 26th January 2024
In English, this week, we have been busy creating letters to persuade the council to take
down the windmills in Blusterville Village in The Windmill Farmer. In Maths, Year 3’s have
completed the multiplication and division topic and the year 4’s are multiplying and dividing
a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number.
We have finished our Computing topic, where we created a musical instrument using
programming blocks and performed our sequences to the class. In Science, we carried out
our experiment of ‘what temperature of water would melt chocolate the fastest?’
We continued with our topic of dance in P.E where we listened to ‘Let’s go fly a kite’ from
Mary Poppins whilst we had to use our imaginations on how to get a kite into the sky
through dance.
In History, we have discussed Gods and Goddesses in Ancient Greece. Following this, in R.E,
we researched into where Hindus go to worship which is in a Mandir.Sadly, Miss Abbie Roach had her final day with Class Tamar and our school. We wish her all the very best in her teaching career and we know that Class Tamar will miss her!
Enjoy your weekend,
Rouen Gargan Emily Green and Jenna Welch
Weekending 19 January 2024
This week, in English, we have focused on writing our newspaper reports on what happened
to the Windmill Farm during the devastating storm. In Maths, Year 3 and 4 have continued with their multiplication and division topic learning how to use part whole models and focusing on our tens and ones.In Science, we have written our plan ready to complete our ‘what temperature melts chocolate the fastest?’ experiment next week. During PE, we have developed our skills on how the wind moves in our weather topic and performed in our pairs to Tchaikovsky -Swan Lake (Swan Theme). We compared Ancient Greek Olympics and Modern Day Olympics in History, and we discovered interesting facts about the past and the present. We have started out topic on Hinduism at home and in the community, with the children finding out how Hindus might worship at home. In art we looked at the composition of Ulysses and the Sirens, for example a light or dark part of the picture.
Please keep up the reading and daily recording as well as the TTRS. It really does make a difference!On a sadder note, Miss Roach will be with us for her last week next week.Enjoy the weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch and Abbie Roach.
Weekending 12th January 2024
Welcome back to the new Spring Term. Firstly, thank you for the continued effort with reading and TTRS.
We have continued with our topic on multiplication for both Year 3 and 4, with Year 4 multiplying by 10 and 100. We know that when we ‘add a zero’ what we are actually doing is moving the number to the left and increasing its value.
In English, we started our new topic on The Windmill Farmer, where we began to identify the key features of a newspaper article and began to plan our own newspaper article on the events of what happened during The Windmill Farmer video. In History we started our topic on Ancient Greece. We found out that it is in Europe and has lots of islands. We then created a timeline of events, but we had to go from right to left as it was a BC timeline. In Computing we started to use algorithms and debugging when using Scratch.
Have a lovely weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch and Abbie Roach
Autumn Term 2 2023
Knowledge Organisers
French Autumn 2 KO
download_for_offlineFrench Autumn 2 KO
- Knowledge Organiser PE Autumn 2 2324 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKnowledge Organiser PE Autumn 2 2324
- KO Computing Aut 23 2 Animation download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO Computing Aut 23 2 Animation
- KO DT Aut 23 2 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO DT Aut 23 2
- KO Geography Aut 23 2 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO Geography Aut 23 2
- KO RE Aut 23 2 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO RE Aut 23 2
- Light and Dark knowledge organiser download_for_offline
download_for_offlineLight and Dark knowledge organiser
- Music Autumn 2 KO download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMusic Autumn 2 KO
French photo book Autumn 2
download_for_offlineFrench photo book Autumn 2
- Music photo book autumn 2 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMusic photo book autumn 2
- PE photo book Autumn 2 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePE photo book Autumn 2
- Photo Book Aut 23 2 Comp animation download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePhoto Book Aut 23 2 Comp animation
- Photo Book Aut 23 2 DT Juggling Balls download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePhoto Book Aut 23 2 DT Juggling Balls
- Photo Book Aut 23 2 Geog London download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePhoto Book Aut 23 2 Geog London
- Photo Book Aut 23 2 RE Hindu download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePhoto Book Aut 23 2 RE Hindu
- PSHE photo book Autumn 2 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePSHE photo book Autumn 2
- SCIENCE photo book Autumn 2 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSCIENCE photo book Autumn 2
Weekly Updates
Weekending 15th December 2023
The last full week of a very busy term! We finished our topic on Multiplication 1 for both Years 3 and 4 and are now ready to start Multiplication 2 in the Spring. The TTRS is making a real difference. We also used atlases to find different capital cities in Europe as well as recap what ‘makes’ a capital city.
We have had a number of rehearsals culminating in two amazing performances, one in the evening and one in the afternoon. Our teachers are really proud of us using our confidence!
There is no home learning set, BUT please continue to read as much as possible and continue with TTRS.
Please see then link below for the book our class created with David Lawrence Jones and Plymouth University.
Have a relaxing Christmas,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch and Abbie Roach
Weekending 8th December 2023
On Monday, we had a visit from Daya, who taught us about Hinduism. We dressed in beautiful clothes and danced together. We finished our topic on light and dark in Science and used this knowledge to ask and answer questions on posters. Some of us also went to Bishop Cornish School in Saltash for a writing day too.
On Wednesday we had the most fantastic time at Plymouth University with David Lawrence Jones, an author who is also the Chancellor of the Children’s University. We wrote sections for a book as well as creating illustrations. The book will be emailed to us, and we will post it on the website. We also had a tour of the university and saw the enormous wave tank where they test model ships as well as going to the library with 800, 000 books.
Thursday saw some of us go with Mr Gargan and Mrs Danson to Bodmin Leisure Centre for the final of the swimming competition. We had already competed in the rounds and progressed to the finals. There were eight schools from all over Cornwall, down as far as Lands End. The children were a credit to themselves in terms of our school values and brilliantly behaved. We achieved a third place overall which was fantastic. Friday, we created our Stop Go animations on the iPads. It was great fun as well as lots of learning! If you have an iPad, you can download 'Stop Motion' for free.
We know it is a busy time but please keep up the reading and the TTRS.
Finally, we had an email from Plymouth University about your children,
“…Please can I also add that it was a pleasure to work with the children
today, they were by far the best behaved and politest group of children
we have hosted for a long time. They are a credit to your school.”
Enjoy the weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch and Abbie Roach
Weekending 1st December 2023
Within our maths and English time, we have been doing our termly tests, finishing today with spellings.
In Science, we discussed how to keep ourselves safe from the sun linking to our light and dark topic. We continued in P.E developing our hockey skills and working as a team to defend and attack.
In DT, we started our juggling balls project. We thought about the features of juggling balls and followed a design criteria to create an annotated design around the theme of ‘The Circus’.
Enjoy the weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch and Abbie Roach
Weekending 24th November 2023
In maths we have continued our topic for both year groups on multiplication and division. Year 3 have looked at 5- and 10-times tables whilst sharing and grouping the numbers and Year 4 have been concentrating on the 3-, 6-, 9- and 7-times tables and their multiplication and division facts. The TTRS weekly is really impacting so please keep the 20 minutes a week minimum.
We have continued with our topic of Stone Age Boy, writing Om’s diary about what happened after the boy disappeared. We effectively used conjunctions to describe parts of the Stone Age story. Within our distant writings, we used expanded noun phrases and similes.
In PE, we introduced defending and attacking into our Hockey topic. We have used stop go animation on the iPad to create a mini group animation. In RE, we watched the story of Rama and Sita and the importance of Diwali.
Enjoy the weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch and Abbie Roach
Weekending 17th November 2023
In maths we have started our new topic for both year groups on multiplication and division. Year 3 have looked at arrays and Year 4 have been concentrating on the 3 and 6 times tables. The TTRS weekly is really impacting so please keep the 20 minutes a week minimum.
We have continued with Stone Age Boy, writing diaries and using expanded noun phrases to describe the cave paintings and the inside of the cave too.
In RE we found out about the story of Brahma and the Hindu creation story which linked to AUM, the sound that Hindus believe started the universe. Within music did a ‘clap rap’ looking at rhythm and in science looking at reflective materials. We found out about what makes a reflective material and why.
Finally, a massive thank you as EVERYONE in the class has read nightly. Please keep this up as it has such an impact.
Enjoy the weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch and Abbie Roach
Week ending 10th November 2023
Another busy week. We have continued with the Stone Age Boy in our English topic, writing diary entries from ‘the boy’s viewpoint’ and Om’s (the girl’s viewpoint). We sequenced the events using fronted adverbials as well as including information on how they might have felt.
I maths Year 4 have finished the short topic on area including comparing areas using squares. We have also solved word problems that involve addition and some subtraction. Year 3 have estimated answers and used complimentary number facts to 100.
In our geography topic we atlases to find were London was as well as different counties including Cornwall and Devon. We also found out where the River Thames is. We thought about why we wear poppies and what they mean. Finally in RE we looked at the symbol AUM.
Virtually everyone in the class read, fantastic! Please keep reading daily with your child. Also 20 minutes DOING times tables on TTRS now that we have the internet back.
Enjoy the weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green, Jenna Welch and Abbie Roach
Week ending 3rd November 2023
Firstly, a thank you for all the parental support with reading and Times Tables Rock Stars. We have already begun to notice the difference in times tables!
Next week, Miss Abbie Roach will be joining us from Plymouth University for 3 months which is really exciting.
Within English we have started our topic which is based on the book ‘Stone Age Boy.’ We have made predictions about the story and rewritten a paragraph using a thesaurus to improve the vocabulary choice. We also used shapes and different word sizes to create an effect. We also have started our new class book recommended by Jock which is ‘The Lost Whale’ by Hannah Gold.
In Maths Year 4 have started finding area by counting squares and using multiplication with Year 3 continuing using column addition. Please keep up the 20 minutes with Times Tables Rock Stars.
We have started rehearsing and going through words for our Christmas production. In computing we thought about animation and how Walt Disney is a famous animator as well as making animations with a flip book. We started our new geography topic by thinking about what we knew about London.
Spellings are as normal this week alongside Times Table Rock Stars.
Enjoy the weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green and Jenna Welch
Autumn Term 1 2023
Knowledge Organisers
Knowledge Organiser PE Autumn 1 2324
download_for_offlineKnowledge Organiser PE Autumn 1 2324
- KO Art Aut 23 1 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO Art Aut 23 1
- KO Computing Aut 23 1 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO Computing Aut 23 1
- KO History Aut 23 1 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO History Aut 23 1
- KO RE Aut 23 1 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKO RE Aut 23 1
- Plants knowledge organiser download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePlants knowledge organiser
- PSHE Tamar Autumn 1 2023 download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePSHE Tamar Autumn 1 2023
- Tamar KOs Aut1 2023 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineTamar KOs Aut1 2023
French photo book 2
download_for_offlineFrench photo book 2
- Music photo book download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMusic photo book
- PE photo book 2 - Copy download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePE photo book 2 - Copy
- Photo Book Aut 23 1 Art Charcoal download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePhoto Book Aut 23 1 Art Charcoal
- Photo Book Aut 23 1 Comp Networks download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePhoto Book Aut 23 1 Comp Networks
- Photo Book Aut 23 1 History Stone Age download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePhoto Book Aut 23 1 History Stone Age
- Photo Book Aut 23 1 RE Trinity download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePhoto Book Aut 23 1 RE Trinity
- PSHE photo book 2 - Copy download_for_offline
download_for_offlinePSHE photo book 2 - Copy
- SCIENCE photo book 2 - Copy download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSCIENCE photo book 2 - Copy
Weekly Updates
Weekending 20th October 2023
A letter has gone home inside your child’s reading record book:
Over half term there is NO SPELLING. This will resume the first week back.
Please can your child read at least 5 times and for this to be logged in their reading record book.
Please can they use TTRS for at least 20 minutes of times tables.
The original maths home learning books have been sent home. If your child wishes to do these please feel free. The answers are at the back of the book. These do not need to be brought into school.In English this week we looked at pronouns, fronted adverbials and conjunctions that mean something negative has happened (but, however, although). Maths continued with column addition and subtraction with Year 4 also checking calculations through an inverse operation (checking an + with a -). We also have finished our class book, ‘Fortunately The Milk’.
Within RE we designed a picture about what the Trinity means to us and recalled what we have learned in RE. In science we looked at the results of our experiment and we found out that the plant in cotton wool and water only did not grow. In computing we finished looking at networks and went and saw our computer server and network switch. History, we found out about the invention of the wheel during the Stone Age and why it was so important.
Have a great half term,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green and Jenna Welch
Weekending 13th October 2023
Consultations on Wednesday, time slips are in your child’s home learning book.
Please, a reminder. Can your child learn their user name and password exactly as they will be needing access soon. This has been stuck into their home learning / spelling books.
Thank you for your support with reading and recording this 5 days a week, it really does make a difference. Also TTRS is impacting the 99 club and times table knowledge, again thank you for encouraging your children to use this. If you are not already aware there is an app that can be downloaded to smart devices.
In English this week we have finished our class book Adolphus Tips and have started our new book by Neil Gaiman Fortunately the Milk recommended by a child in our class. In English we have completed our topic on the Wishgranter including writing a job description. In maths Year 4 have been undertaking subtraction of 4 digit with more than one exchange. Year 3 have been moving onto column addition with only one exchange, which we used to call ‘carrying’.
Within RE we looked at baptism and the link to the Trinity an in computing personal networks between families and friends and we moved this on to computer networks and switches. Finally in history we looked at changes in the Bronze and Iron Age including how they smelted the metal and the importance of hill forts like Maiden Castle.
Enjoy the sunshine this weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green and Jenna Welch
Weekending 6th October 2023
Please, a reminder. Can your child learn their user name and password exactly. This has been stuck into their home learning / spelling books.
Please can you ensure that your child undertakes at least TWO GARAGE (2 minutes) and TWO SOUND CHECK (5 minutes max) activities between Thursdays (when home learning for maths would have been returned). Extras games and time are a bonus and will help your child develop their tables knowledge even further. Any issues accessing TTRS please pop in and see us.
Continuing the Wishgranter, we have asked open and closed questions, where a closed question only gives an answer of yes or no. We have described the appearance of the Wishgranter machine using prepositions, prefixes and expanded noun phrases as well as writing an explanation text as to how the machine works. We have continued to update our Book Quest.
In maths Year 3 have continued with our addition and subtraction topic, adding and subtracting 1’s and 10’ across tens and hundreds. Year 4, have been building on last years addition with exchange and have been completing addition with multiple exchanges.
In RE we looked at two paintings about the baptism of Jesus and how the Holy Trinity is shown. In computing we have been thinking about how digital devices help us and in Art we have used charcoal to create ‘cave paintings’. In Wildtribe we built stick houses for our stick men using sticks, moss and ferns. In science we set up an experiment to see if plants can survive without soil. We planted violas in soil, cotton wool, nothing and just water. We are waiting for our results.
Thank you for all of your efforts in spellings this week too.
Have a lovely weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green and Jenna Welch
Weekending 29thSeptember 2023
We have started our new topic in English based around the film the Wishgranter. We have looked at prepositions describe position as well as using conjunctions to join sentences.
Year 3 have been looking at adding 1’s, 10 and 100 to numbers and Year 4 have spent time rounding numbers using our saying,
“1,2,3,4 round DOWN to the floor, 5,6,7,8,9 round UP the number line.”
In history we looked at changes between the Stone Age and Iron Age and found out that the Stone Age started about 2 ½ million years ago. Also in the Iron Age they lived in settlements and sometimes would fight each other building hill forts to protect themselves. Looking at the Holy Trinity in RE we discovered that Christians believe that God is also the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We designed a digital device and thought about the input and output processes. Mrs Green started an experiment with flowers and coloured water. We are curious to see if they change colour.
Thank you for everyone that everyone that has been completing TTRS. Please come and see us if you have any problems accessing it.
Have a lovely weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green and Jenna Welch
Weekending 22ndSeptember 2023
We have continued with our English topic based on ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and adapted the traditional tale in our own way. After spending time editing with our partners we had a lovely time in Cremyll reading our stories.
Year 3 have finished the topic on place value and are moving on to addition and subtraction. This week they have ordered and compared numbers. Year 4 have looked at Roman numerals and rounded numbers to 10.
Within history we found out more information about Stone Henge and considered whether or not they might be facts or maybe historians are unsure. We recapped what inputs, outputs and processes in computing and categorised some input and output devices in a Venn diagram. In Wild Tribe we linked sounds that rhyme to the things that we saw outside in nature and in art we found undertook drawings that had chiaroscuro, dark and light areas.
A letter has gone home in your child’s spelling book to say that maths homework from now on will be Times Tables Rock Stars, they need to complete at least 2 a week, one of which must be a sound check. Please use the login and password in the back of your child’s reading book, not the old one! Any problems with access or technology please come and see us.
A reminder. Every child in the back of their home learning book has an individual user name and password which they need to keep private but learn exactly including which letters are upper case and which are lower case.
Have a lovely weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green and Jenna Welch
Weekending 15th September 2023
We continue to settle into our new routines. Thank you for virtually everyone that read 5 times it is really fantastic and so important for your child’s development. Any questions regarding this please pop in and see one of the Tamar Team.
We have started the new English topic based on Jack and the Bean Stalk and this week we have been acting it out using different voices. We have also looked at expanded noun phrases to add more detail and direct speech with inverted commas.
Science we looked at the parts of the plant after digging out a weed and during PE we developed our netball skills and made medallions in Wild Tribe. History we continued with or topic starting with the Stone Age and looked at Stone Henge and Skara Brae and what we know for certain. In computing we have thought about inputs outputs and processes and what a digital device is.
Every child in the back of their home learning book has an individual user name and password which they need to keep private but learn exactly including which letters are upper case and which are lower case.
Times Tables Rock Stars username and password are in the back of your child’s reading record book. Please use as much as you can to help with table knowledge.
Have a lovely weekend,
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green and Jenna Welch
Weekending 8th September 2023
Welcome back Class Tamar.
We are settling into our new routines, and new classroom. Within English we have planned carefully and then written a story based on ‘The best day that never happened’. Maths, we have started our topic on place value, the value each digit has in a number as well as practiced our times tables facts every day.
The class have also started to look at our history topic of the Stone Age through to the Iron Age, what we already know and any questions we might have. For computing we have recapped being safe using technology and the key message if you feel unsafe STOP and TELL AN ADULT.
Reading, a reminder that please can you read with your child each day AND record it in the reading record book. The reading record book needs to be brought into school each day.
PE Kits need to be brought into school each Monday and left in school for the week.
Spellings will be given out on Fridays and tested on the following THURSDAY. If your child gets below 6 out of 10 they will be retested on the next day, Friday. The results of the test will be stuck into the homework book.
Maths home learning will be sent home on Friday. We will start with Workout 1. Please only do 1 workout a week.
99 Club for times tables will be on a Wednesday. Each year group has certain times tables to learn with Year 4 expected to know all times tables by the end of the year. Please remember you have access to Times Tables Rock Stars.
Year 3 (Should already know 2, 5 and 10 X) now need to know 3, 4 and 8 X tables.
Year 4 (Should already know 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 X tables) now need to know 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 X tables.
Most importantly, please come and see any member of the Tamar team if you have any questions.
Enjoy the weekend, it is going to be hot one!
Rouen Gargan, Emily Green and Jenna Welch
- Music photo book download_for_offline
- KO Art Aut 23 1 download_for_offline
- Music photo book autumn 2 download_for_offline
- Knowledge Organiser PE Autumn 2 2324 download_for_offline
- PE photo book Spring 1 download_for_offline
- KO Computing Spr 24 1 sound download_for_offline
- French photo book Spring 2 download_for_offline
- KO DT Spr 2 Light Design download_for_offline
- French photo book Summer 1 download_for_offline
- KO - Summer 1 - Tamar - French FINISHED download_for_offline
- KO - Summer 2 - Tamar - French download_for_offline