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Fourlanesend CP School



At Fourlanesend, it is our intent to make music an enjoyable, creative and stimulating learning experience for all pupils. We are committed to ensuring everyone understands the value and importance of music in the wider community.


  • All lessons are planned using Sing UP and the KS1 and KS2 national curriculum objectives.
  • Lessons offer a range of musical genres with a wealth of opportunities to develop skills in performing, composing, listening and evaluating music.
  • Children are taught to sing and play musically with increasing confidence and control.
  • The musical elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, form, dynamics, tempo and timbre are embedded in classroom activities, ensuring skills are developed and built upon from previous year groups.
  • Music provision is further enhanced through our weekly singing assemblies, various concerts and performances throughout the year, our knowledgeable and skilled peripatetic teachers, private instrument tuition, taking part in Song Fest and our whole school enrichment days.

Strategies for supporting pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Music lessons:

Speaking and Listening:
Speaking and listening is at the heart of our music curriculum. Children are provided with frequent opportunities to listen to, appreciate and reflect upon a wide range of musical forms.


Every music lesson has a question as its title. By the end of unit, children are expected at the very least to remember facts that will enable them to answer these questions. These forever facts are revisited at the beginning of music lessons and throughout the year, along with facts that have been taught in pervious year groups.


Well-constructed and well-taught music lessons lead to good results because those results reflect what children have learned.  All learning builds towards clearly defined end points. Children are engaged and inspired to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians.