Prioritise Reading
KS2 Reading Policy Jan 2025
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Reading has a high profile throughout school. We aim to create lifelong readers and we ensure this by choosing to expose children to a range of high quality texts in all genres. Many other activities also take place which promote pre-reading skills such as having visuals alongside the word to encourage children to associate meaning with text. A prime example of this is each class’s visual timetable.
Book presentations are a feature in every class. This is where children share a book they have read and explain what they liked about it and a little about the text.
Book reviews are also written about books children have particularly enjoyed. Records are kept of what children read and these are used to ensure children are reading a breadth of books. Our target is for pupils to read at least 5 times a week and this is recorded and checked daily by teaching assistants in all classes.
We developed ‘Book Quest’ to encourage children to read a range of genres, children are rewarded with certificates for reading selections of books from each genre and move through the year bronze, silver etc. The genres include, fiction real life, fiction fantasy, non-fiction, poetry and graphic novels.
Priority is given to daily story times as a whole class to further develop a love of reading and extend vocabulary. As a class, we choose a range of fiction and non-fiction books, appropriate to their age and development e.g. picture books in FS building to chapter books in KS2, that they will enjoy.
Reading is embedded across the curriculum. Please enjoy some photos of ways we enjoy reading in school.
Prioritise Reading
Linking Books to Our School Values:
Reading & Our School Values
Strategies for supporting pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Reading lessons:
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