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Fourlanesend CP School


Home Learning:
There will be three main aspects of home learning to complete, and for every one of these completed the children will earn 5 minutes of Golden Time on a Friday.
1. Reading – children should read at least 3 times per week. Their reading journals should be signed by parents when they have read. They will then be signed by staff every Friday.
2. Time tables – Times Tables Rockstars. 20 minutes completed per week at home will give a further 5 minutes of Golden Time.
3. Spelling – eventually your child will have a Spelling Shed log in (a great online programme for spelling) where they will have tasks to complete linked to their words for the week. It is very phonics linked and targets the main spelling rules. Until this rolls out, please practice your child’s spellings with them.
Class Tamar can wear their PE kits to school on a Monday & Wednesday. 

Autumn Term 1 2024

Knowledge Organiser

Weekly Updates

Weekending 4th October 2024

In Science, we have been classifying plants. We have put them into different groups depending on their qualities and appearance. We have discussed the difference between deciduous and evergreen plants and this has linked to our RE lesson where we talked about looking after the planet and helping trees grow in our local area by planting their seeds before winter.

We have practiced passing in football, and tag rugby in our PE lesson with the coach. We have been busy finishing our letters of complaint to the council, based on the 3 Billy Goats Gruff story (ask your child if they wrote as the goats or the troll and who they were complaining about!)

Within history, we looked at why farming was important to the Ancient Egyptians and the ‘black mud’ from the River Nile. Using the story of Flat Stanley we have planned our sequence of illustrations to tell a story.

Just a reminder about home learning. TTRS, 20 minutes please, learning spelling and reading at home 3 times recorded in the reading record book.

Enjoy your  weekend,

Rouen Gargan, Verity Shaw and Jenna Welch



Weekending 27th September 2024


Another busy week.
We have been looking at comparing, ordering and rounding numbers. The class
have learnt a little rhyme to help them, 1,2,3 4 round down to the floor… See if
they can say the rest! In English we have been writing letters of complaint to
the council from one of the characters in the Three Billy Goats Gruff. We have
introduced the character and what the problem is, as well as giving more detail
about the consequences.
Within art we have used different mediums, crayon, paint for example to
explore how we can represent Flat Stanley. History, we found out about why the
river Nile was important to the Ancient Egyptians.
As a class, we are doing amazingly well with our presentation and neatness and
putting lots of effort into this.
Enjoy your weekend,
Verity Shaw, Jenna Welch, Rouen Gargan


Weekending 13th September

Welcome back Class Tamar.

As the children know we are having a real push on presentation and they have all used their enthusiasm for learning with this. The results are amazing and will only get even better!!

On Monday afternoon for the first part of our Plymouth Sound National Marine Park Project, Elspeth came into our class. We talked about our local area and what it means to us to live near the sea. We are now looking forward to our visit to the National Marine Aquarium in October! In science we looked at grouping animals depending on their features. 

In maths over the last week and a bit we have all been looking at the values of numbers (place value) and partitioning numbers (splitting them into hundreds, tens, and ones for example).

Please keep up doing the TTRS. The logins are the same as last year.

We have also been telling the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff orally and through a little play. We all worked in teams really well and made suggestions for improvements.

In our topic, we have started learning about the Ancient Egyptians. We have found out where Egypt is and what it is like there from pictures. We have become artefact detectives, using clues to try and work out what objects might have been used for.

A fantastic start to the term. Thank you Class Tamar!

Have a lovely weekend,

Jenna Welch, Rouen Gargan, Verity Shaw


Looking at artefacts




Academic Year 2023/2024