Writing - Our Intent
For every child to be able to write fluently and competently for a range of purposes.
- Use of Literacy Shed planning sequence with a chances for editing and improving.
- A focus on the development of rich vocabulary.
- Discrete spelling lessons along with an emphasis on spellings within lessons and marking.
- High-quality, accessible texts, as a stimulus, for all units of writing.
- Verbal feedback that will develop children’s knowledge, skills, and understanding.
- Development of fluent, legible, and eventually speedy handwriting.
- Opportunities for activities directly linked to speaking and listening are planned
- Speaking and listening opportunities can be focused, as in class or group discussion, drama activities or plenary sessions at the end of a Writing session.
- Individual pupil progress is monitored during reading skills sessions and termly attainment for Reading, Writing and SPaG is recorded using the online tracker (Insight)
- Written work is marked using the school marking policy and will be linked to the lesson’s title.
- Pupils assess their own and others work during the drafting and proof-reading processes, as well as during the plenary. This gives them the opportunity to write a ‘Final Draft’. Children use toolkits to enable them to identify the features.
- Use of Publishing Books track individual progress in writing throughout the key stage. New pupils are given a Publishing Book when they join Fourlanesend.
- Fiction and non-fiction writing is assessed which allows for moderation across classes and within and across year groups.
- Moderation with other schools is also done on a yearly basis, where possible. The English Subject Leader is a trained Cornwall County Moderator and has been visiting other schools in Cornwall for four years.
- Termly NFER tests are used to inform assessment in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar.
- End of key stage assessments take place for Year 6 in May.
Recommended Links:
Strategies for supporting pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in writing: